And now the wheels are turning! – Sticks & Stones

And now the wheels are turning!

With the Governor’s announcement at 11:00 am on April 24th, the landscape industry got the green light to go back to work! And while we are all delighted with the opportunity to get our business going, we need to do so with thoughtful consideration.

Landscaping businesses in Michigan are amongst the first to go back to work after the "Stay at Home" order went into effect back in March. And being the first, everyone will be watching to make sure that we are following the best practices.

Observing social distancing. Wearing masks in public spaces. Sanitizing our equipment.

Christensen’s Plant and Hardscape Center has been preparing for this for the last several weeks. So be prepared for changes. Changes cause slower operations and processing. Just have a little extra patience as we all adjust to this new normal.

We will do everything that we can to get you to work as fast as possible.

Please carefully read this linked PDF. It contains the highlights of our new procedures for customers in our yards and getting deliveries from us. We will starting these procedures as we open for business on Monday April 27, 2020.

We are excited to see and serve all of you!

Eric Joy