Another trip around the sun – Sticks & Stones

Another trip around the sun

Customer trucks

For the past year, I have brought my 13 year old puppy to work with me. He has spent his days sleeping in my office, hitting up the sales staff for food, and greeting every customer that he can here at Christensen’s, both in the Plant Center and the Hardscape Center.

While watching Garin interact with you and your employees, it has reminded me of how much like the TV show Cheers this place really is. We love seeing you come in. Good days, bad days, rain and sun, having that interaction with your companies has been nothing short of magical. We look forward to seeing and talking to you every day.


This year has not been without its trials and tribulations. The labor situation has affected every aspect of our industry. Seemingly the entire state has lamented the lack of good labor this year. Couple that with trucking issues caused by the ELD implementation, and the year has definitely had its challenges. But as always this industry has risen above them and created a very successful year. A huge testament to you, our contractors that make this industry what it is.

As we move to the winter of our season, we wish you peace and prosperity. You have made our season wonderful through your presence and continued business. From the entire team at Christensen’s Plant and Hardscape Centers, have a wonderful holiday and we look forward to seeing you in 2019.

Eric Joy