Boost your company by investing in your staff – Sticks & Stones

Boost your company by investing in your staff


As we roll into September, we're moving into fall mode in the green industry. Back to school signals the next push that our industry typically sees. Vacations are over. Clients are home and want projects started - and completed - before the end of the year.

Commercial projects are on the push to get the outside of the building wrapped up before winter weather closes in. And we all get to deal with the “normals” in our industry, like fall clean-ups, mum and bulb planting, low voltage lighting installs, sprinkler blow-outs, and holiday lighting and décor.


Through all of this I implore you not to forget about the education of your staff.

Now is the perfect time for education and advancement of your staff. And I don’t mean JUST fall. Literally now through the fall and winter.

Only by making education a priority does it truly become important. The excuse of “I don’t have time for that” will always be there. I have used it more times than I care to admit to.

Our local trade associations have educational opportunities for us to take advantage of. Between September and the end of the year there are SIX educational opportunities though the MNLA alone. This does not include CGIP exams, the legislative day, and the service project at the Lewis arboretum, etc.

The MGIA has an additional FIVE educational seminars between now and the end of the year, all of which are opportunities for staff development.

So eleven opportunities to advance ourselves and our staff between now and the end of the calendar year. All it takes is making it a priority in your company.



training seminar
Eric Joy