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Category Archives for "Plants"

Redpointe vs Red Sunset: What Is the Right Choice for Your Landscape?

Acer Rubrum Red Sunset in Fall Color

Red Maples are some of the most commonly planted trees across North America due to their hardiness and beautiful fall color. There are dozens of varieties of Red Maples to choose from. Their differences may seem inconsequential but there are pros and cons to each variety depending on the location and desired appearance. I will outline the differences between two of the most popular varieties:
Redpointe® and Red Sunset®.

Acer rubrum Redpointe in fall color in the field

Redpointe are the newer introduction of the two. Their appearance is preferred for the pyramidal branching structure. A strong central leader and upright growth pattern leads to a more uniform shape that looks appealing even in the winter when the leaves have fallen. Redpointes also feature more vibrant leaves; darker green in the summer, and deep red in the fall. These characteristics are great for centerpieces in large landscapes. It is also important to consider hardiness and adaptability relative to the location of the planting. Redpointes exhibit fantastic disease and heat resistance; as well as an improved tolerance to waterlogging. However, tolerance for heat and water means this variety prefers full sun and needs consistent watering after planting.

Acer Rubrum Redpointe in the winter with no leaves
Acer rubrum Red Sunset in the summer with green leaves

Red Sunset has been the standard for red maple for many years. They grow into a more oval and natural shape than Redpointe. Fall color of these trees is more of a reddish-orange and tends to last longer than other varieties. In the summer the leaves are a lighter green and may have hints of yellow due to leaf chlorosis caused by higher PH soils. Red Sunset are less resilient to heat and waterlogging but are more drought tolerant and require less sunlight. Consistent watering is still needed after planting but once established these trees require very little maintenance. They also are notably preferred for their sap production which can be used for maple syrup.

Maple Field at Christensen's

Both varieties will reach heights of 40-50 feet when mature. However, the spread of a Red Sunset can be 30-40 feet, 5-10 feet wider than a Redpointe depending on pruning. Redpointe may also require some maintenance once mature to remove some of the inner branches that become overcrowded due to their stronger upright growth habit. Both trees are fantastic options for a variety of landscapes. However, considering the conditions of the location and desired finished look of the landscape can help you decide what is best for every situation.

Jacob Haines By Line

Good Boxes

Boxes stacked in a pile

Recently, my wife and I celebrated what would have been the 100th birthday of her Aunt Ruth. Every family has at least one of these relatives. You know, the ones that keep the family together and focused. It's been tough on the family cohesion since we said goodbye to her. Ruth was a product of the Great Depression - frugal, smart with her money, hard-working, yet generous. Like many of her generation, she saved and re-used to a fault - old-fashioned recycling. Most notably she never threw away a good box. Somewhere somebody or something could always use a good box. Sometimes, we would open up some of the boxes only to find inside, you guessed it, more boxes. As she neared 90 my wife said she was a very neat, organized hoarder.

Buxus Green Gem Boxwoods in Pots

Well, at Christensen's we have thousands of good ‘boxes’. But we don't hoard them, we sell the #*%@ out of them. No sooner does a new group of boxwoods arrive when you see swarming sales reps tagging off pre-sold material, often arguing over whose customer is first in line on the backorder list. It can get ugly! Stock has moved so quickly that there are usually large patches of open gravel, usually only seen in early spring or late fall.

However, Buxus is not the only game in town. Many contractors have comfort zones so they don’t necessarily look at other options. But they are missing the opportunity to diversify their selection.

Gem Box Ilex Holly

The most obvious substitution for boxwood is another broadleaf, such as Ilex. Box hollies are perfect but unfortunately do not consistently perform through our desiccating winters. Ilex opaca, or Inkberry, performs well and the newer varieties, Shamrock and Gem Box, can easily be mistaken for boxwood.

Azalea Girard Rose in pots

Azaleas are also perfect, but many shy away from the Rhodoendron family due to a perceived difficulty in establishing these plants. Contractors who do not plant these may not realize the need for a premium (more nutrient rich) medium and plenty of fertilizer. Also, the timing of the plantings of many broadleafs can make the difference between success and failure. Getting the plants rooted early will help the growth and development of Azaleas. If you add these practices into your Azalea planting routine, they make an excellent flowering substitution.

Lonicera Thunderbolt

The newest group at Christensen’s is Box Honeysuckle, Lonicera nitida 'Thunderbolt.' Yes, this honeysuckle is evergreen, and its species describes it as shining and glittering. This and more box honeysuckles seem to be making their way here by way of Europe. It is much faster growing than Buxus and can be trimmed into any imaginable shape. This lends itself to both traditional and more contemporary applications.

Our Aunt Ruth was quite the world traveler. She probably saw hedges of these Honeysuckles years before I learned of them. And, I'm sure there are many beautiful hedges at her current home.

Jeff Good

Planting for a Cause

Invincibelle Spirit II by Proven Winners ColorChoice

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. I know, with all the pink popping up, it’s probably hard to forget. Since 1 in 8 women will be affected by this debilitating disease in their lifetime, you may even know someone diagnosed and receiving treatment. While my grandmother fought it twice and was victorious both times, my aunt passed away 12 years ago at the age of 46. As you can see, this cause is very personal to me.

Cheryl Kampbrath

There are many ways to join in the fight against breast cancer, but one of the easiest for people in the horticulture industry is to buy and install the Invincebelle® Spirit II Hydrangea arborescens.

Invincibelle Spirit II by Proven Winners ColorChoice

Courtesy of Proven Winners -

The Invincebelle® Spirit II takes the groundbreaking breeding of the original and improves on it with brighter color, more abundant flowers and a stronger rebloom. The entire plant is more compact and bushier with stronger stems.

Invincibelle Spirit II by Proven Winners ColorChoice

Courtesy of Proven Winners -

The Invincebelle® series is a step forward in arborescens breeding, but what makes Spirit really unique is the mission to eradicate breast cancer. Donating one dollar per plant, Spirit and, now, Spirit II have raised over one million dollars for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Myra Biblowit, BCRF President & CEO, has said, “Proven Winners has made a real and tangible impact on advancing breast cancer research—raising over $1 million since 2010 to fund more than 23,000 hours of critical research through BCRF.”

Invincibelle Spirit II by Proven Winners ColorChoice

Courtesy of Proven Winners -

Founded by Evelyn H. Lauder in 1993, BCRF-funded investigators have been deeply involved in every major breakthrough in breast cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship. This year, BCRF will support the work of more than 275 scientists at leading medical and academic institutions across 15 countries, making BCRF the largest private funder of breast cancer research worldwide. BCRF is one of the nation’s most fiscally responsible nonprofits and is the only breast cancer organization in the U.S. with an “A+” from Charity Watch and Charity Navigator’s highest rating of four stars. Proven Winners® is very pleased to be working with the BCRF and plans to continue fighting this deadly disease.

Invincibelle Spirit II by Proven Winners ColorChoice

Courtesy of Proven Winners -

Even if this particular cause isn’t close to your heart, it may affect your customers. I chose to plant an Invincebelle® Spirit in my aunt’s memory and have planted even more because the show of color is spectacular. Consider choosing this beautiful variety when installing Hydrangeas. It may mean only a little to you or your customer, but it might mean the world to women affected by breast cancer.

Marci McIntosh

Collecting Plants…. or Hoarding?

Plant in a head sculpture planter

When Does Specializing Turn Into Hoarding?

I’ll just come out and say it. I am a Collector. Over the years I have built - and dispersed – so many collections, in categories such as craft supplies, books, glass paperweights, pink flamingos, Westmoreland milk glass, hardy geraniums, hosta, tools and hardware, office supplies, and for a while in the 80’s, budgerigars. At one point I had 18 of them in a giant flight cage. Good times.

Decorative Glass Globes

It’s an all-American pastime as shown by the popularity of reality shows about hoarders and people who bid on the undisclosed contents of abandoned storage lockers. I haven’t slid so far; I prefer to do my collecting one piece at a time.

Collection of figurines

But when does “collecting” cross the line into hoarding? To me, collection is all about doing a deep dive into a particular subject and learning as much as you can about it. When I am studying a new topic, reference books get involved, and talking to experts in the subject, joining Reddits or groups, and getting as much hands-on experience as possible. For instance, I have collected figural cast iron - doorstops, bottle openers, party favors, door knockers and bookends – for years and I am pretty good at spotting reproductions and knock-offs.

Outdoor plant collection on wrought iron racks

When you really love something it’s easy to get caught up into accumulating, and it can be a rude surprise to look around one day and realize there is not one more square inch in your garden to wedge a single additional hosta, even though you are pretty sure you DON’T already have one virtually identical. That’s where we get to the critical difference between a “collector” and a “hoarder”. If you can’t part with your duplicates or lesser-value pieces; the books you’ve read ages ago and won’t look at again, stuff that’s broken or stuff that you MIGHT find a use for …someday… well, now you’re slipping into hoarder territory. News flash: your kids don’t want your stuff. You might want to winnow down your belongings before it gets bad.

Indoor plant collection

I am not quite there yet. Yesterday I spent ten or twelve hours moving all my house plants back indoors after their summer vacation. Somehow there are more of them now than what went out this spring. I don’t know what happened! I have plants all over the house, on shelves and étagères, under lights and crammed into the windows. I am kind of proud of the fact that I also said farewell to a few of them! I am not a hoarder after all. Just don’t ask me how many house plants I have.

Holly Christensen

The Sweet Anguish of Waiting

I like to call this time of year ‘the season of anticipation.’ Over the years, as I’ve developed my patience, I have come to enjoy the sweet ache of waiting. My son, on the other hand, is in anguish waiting for each holiday to arrive, starting with Halloween. And after each one is over in the blink of an eye, he’ll be in anguish until the next one arrives.  

Of course, I have been trying to teach him the value of waiting. We've defined "patience" as "waiting with a good attitude" in our family.  If you ask him what patience is, he'll use that exact quote with an eye-roll and sing-song voice... which is sort of the opposite of the definition. 

Otto on a swing in the garden

In true childhood fashion, the lesson didn’t really sink in until his teacher had them plant seeds and they watched them germinate in a clear cup. He dutifully informed me that, “Even though you can’t see it, the seeds are working hard underneath the ground, taking up nutrients and growing roots.” I told him that the holidays were the same thing. Even though he couldn’t see it, Mom and his family were working hard to prepare for the events. He scowled and ran off.

Purple Hyacinth

Nothing in horticulture elicits more anticipation than bulbs. As so many aspects of our life have sped up (I blame online shopping), nature continues to keep her own time. And, for me, there’s something reassuring in having to patiently wait for an investment into the landscape. I’m sure for you, as landscape professionals, bulbs can be a hard sell in a “Want-It-Now” culture.

White Crocus

But the reward of early spring blooms in multiple colors and forms is something that everyone loves. This time of year, it’s important to communicate with your customers about the benefits of planting spring bulbs now.

Boxes of Bulbs on a Shelf
Bulbs in boxes on a Shelf

Come in and see the many options we offer. Take pictures to share with your customers. I love our “wall of bulbs”. It’s a wonderful way to see and choose your favorites. This beautiful and tempting full rack of color is the reason I purchased way more bulbs than I can plant by myself. Fortunately, I have a ready supply of labor because my son has become very excited about planting. Of course, once we plant our tulips, daffodils and allium, I’m sure he’ll be in anguish for spring.

Marci McIntosh

Welcome to My Jungle


Growing and caring for plants is my passion. As if growing tens of thousands of perennials a year here at Christensen’s Plant Center wasn’t enough, I have taken my love for plants home with me. I currently have 20+ houseplants that I care for. The key to success is knowledge and experience. It is important to know what to do, and what not to do. Proper plant care will ensure that your plants thrive, and do not suffer or die (my death count is quite impressive). It has taken years of trial and error to figure out what works best, but I am still learning. If you have any interest in becoming a houseplant novice, this article will provide tips, suggestions, and things to consider.


Having plants in your indoor spaces is great for mental health. Improving anxiety, depression, mental fatigue, relaxation, happiness, and cognition are just some of the benefits. When in nature, we improve our overall well-being. Imagine how good you feel when you walk in the woods or even take a walk around the block. Studies have shown that this is because humans seek out connections with other forms of life whether that be plants, animals or other humans. Houseplants can also help cure the blues during those long, cold winter months. Improving air quality through absorption of carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen will help you feel less tired, fatigued, and drowsy. Elevated carbon dioxide and oxygen increase moisture and humidity in the air (which can also help with dry skin). Believe it or not, air pollution can be found in your home as well so having these natural air filters around is incredibly beneficial.

Pothos Houseplant

Houseplants have different demands, requiring individual watering, sunlight, and soil needs. You will want to know each plant’s distinct needs when choosing what to grow. I recommend starting with easy-to-grow houseplants and then move up in skill level from there. My favorite plants to grow are Pothos varieties. These are vining plants that can get very long. Once they get lengthy, they can be “chopped and propped” which means they can be cut into pieces for propagation. To propagate, I cut off a 3-4” piece right below a leaf node (where the leaf meets a stem), place in water, and watch them root. Once rooted, I place them in a pot of soil, fertilize, and watch as they take off. The ability to propagate is one of my favorite features of these plants. Pothos, Snake Plants, Bamboo, Peace Lily, and Spider Plants are among the easiest to grow. While Orchids, Ferns, Fiddle Leaf Fig, Succulents (like string of pearls), and air plants are among the most challenging. Consider how much time, and effort you have and are willing to give to plants at home when deciding what to plant.

When growing houseplants, not all light is equal. The direction the light enters the room makes a big difference. South-facing windows will be most effective for indoor houseplants. Next best is east or west. If you have good natural sunlight coming from these directions, you should not have any issues. However, if your space isn’t the sunniest, you may want to opt for grow lights. LED full spectrum grow lights (between 4000 and 6000 Kelvin) are the best choice. These bulbs have both blue and red lights that mimic the full-color spectrum of the sun.


Another factor to consider when growing houseplants is watering needs. Some plants can be watered once a week, while others would prefer once a month (or when soil dries out completely). I also like to water my plants on a schedule and mark it on my calendar. I always check the dampness of soil with my finger before adding more water. Overwatering is an easy way to kill houseplants, succulents especially.


Growing houseplants is beneficial to mental and physical health, air quality, productivity, connectedness to nature, and is aesthetically pleasing as home décor. For these reasons, I highly recommend growing and enjoying houseplants in your space. This hobby is something that keeps me happy and busy, and maybe you will enjoy it too.

**Authors note: Husbands/wives/partners/roommates etc. are not always as enthusiastic as you are about turning your home into a jungle. Please keep that in mind when trying to fill every space available with houseplants. Be sure to use the above benefits to try to persuade them! However, compromise might be necessary.

Molly De La Rosa Author

Don’t Worry, Be Crabby

Coralburst Crabapple Malus

You may have noticed that the summer heat has broken here in Southeast Michigan. With a high of 74° yesterday, and temperatures projected to barely creep into the 80s for the rest of the week, as much as I hate to admit it, autumn is blowing in. And with that breath of fresh air, we start to consider fall planting.

Crabapple in inventory

Our exceptionally cold winters can make planting in the fall difficult. Due to issues with survivability, most of the trees we carry are listed as hazards to dig for sale in the fall. Even some of the varieties not listed as fall digging hazards perform better when planted in the spring. If there is one tree that has proven to be reliable it would be the crabapple. Crabapples are also one of the most versatile trees thanks to the many different varieties.

The fast-growing nature of crabapples allow these trees to have an easier time establishing a strong root system before winter. This prevents dead branches or an entirely dead tree to replace in the spring and keeps customers happy. Crabapples will also offer an instant reward in the spring with beautiful bright flowers.

We carry many varieties of crabapple that could be perfect for what your customer is looking for. Weeping, spreading, and upright shapes with pink, red, or white flowers and purple or green leaves can be used to fit beautifully in any landscape. My personal favorites are Coralburst with light pink flowers and the beautiful deep purple/red leaves of Purple Prince, Royal Raindrops, and the new columnar variety Gladiator.

Coralburst Crabapple Malus

Whatever the need, there is a crabapple for your customer. And here at Christensen’s we’re happy to help you find the perfect one.

Jacob Haines By Line

Where Have All the Flowers Gone?

Tulips and Daffodils

I am missing flowers (both literally and emotionally).

How can I work for a plant nursery and have zero blooms in my yard in the middle of summer? (Maybe because I work for a plant nursery?) I get so excited at the beginning of the season with all the pretty things coming in that I take them all home and plant them. Tulips and Daffodils, Hellebores, creeping phlox’s, Dicentra. Stunning. And then what happens? After the blooms fade and the ephemerals die back, I end up with a lot of green. And then… nursery life goes into full swing and by the time I get to slow down and catch my breath, it is mid-summer.

Rudbeckia Goldsturm

Rudbeckia Goldsturm

Where is my color? I need plants. Taking a walk through our perennial lot I notice all the plants that are in full sun with beautiful flowers. I want that! Easy choices are the Rudbeckias. Echinaceas, and Hemerocallis. But what are some less obvious selections? My flower beds have some time in the shade, so in order to get the best show of color, I need varieties that can handle both. So, on my walk, I took a few notes.

Rozanne Geranium

Geranium Rozanne

Geraniums are a good choice. Full sun or part shade, “Rozanne” can be a good rambler. I need to fill in some space and I know she’s about 20” tall by 28” spread. Very low maintenance and long-lasting blooms throughout the whole season can guarantee a nice show of color through these dog days of summer.

Astilbe Vision in Red

Astilbe chinensis Vision in Red

Astilbe’s have always been one of my favorites and we offer a wide array of sizes and color. I’m a big fan of their fluffy, showy flowers. Although we have them in full sun, Astilbe’s actually prefer a bit of shade to cool them down after a long hot day.

Chelone Hot Lips

Chelone Hot Lips

Our Chelone “Hot Lips” are just about to pop. 2’-3’ feet high and a 1’ spread, these are great to add a backdrop or color to a dull corner. These will be perfect for this time of year! They can grow in drought conditions until established or they can grow in bog or rain gardens. They are low maintenance and will handle the full sun or partial shade.

Heuchera Midnight Rose

Heuchera Midnight Rose

Heucheras, I think, are going to be a staple. With many varieties to choose from, they are a great, easy way to tie any color combination into the landscape. Different heights and sizes will be perfect to tuck in around the taller plants. And again, heucheras prefer part shade, can handle sun, like it a little dry. Perfect for my needs!

There is a theme here- low maintenance and lots of color!

Lamium Orchid Frost

Lamium Orchid Frost

And finally, ground cover! Of course, some of that “green” in my yard are weeds. Since I really don’t have a lot of time to throw down mulch every year in the spring I’m going to have to plant something. We have lots of choices here at Christensen’s, however, I have found that Lamium is a great choice for spreading. Vigorous but not invasive, the two-toned foliage is striking and can fill in quickly throughout the season. If I was just looking for a colorful addition, I'd go with 'Orchid Frost'. But, I’m thinking the 'White Nancy' may be a great addition to brighten up and throw some definition into the mix.

I now have a few choices. But there are so many more! Seriously, it’s like choosing a paint color. I know if I took another walk through the perennial lot or into the Hosta House I will have a whole new set of plant varieties, colors, and textures to take home and play with! The choices are plentiful!

Joanna Whitt

Landscaping mistakes

Ribbon Grass

I’ve been planting a wide variety of nursery stock from the moment I had a yard to plant in. I bought my first home in the 80’s and after ripping out pretty much everything that was there – it was time for a rehab – I started bringing home my favorite plants from our vast inventory here at Christensen’s. That employee discount got QUITE a workout, let me tell you. Sure, there were failures, for example my attempts to grow daphne, oxydendron, and a succession of acer palmatum, but in my mind a dead plant just opens up a spot to plant something new.



Daphne x burkwoodii 'Carol Mackie' - Doreen Wynja / Monrovia Nursery

There are some plants I NEVER should have planted. They all have one thing in common – aggressive, invasive growth. It’s not an accident that several of them are vines, plus some perennials that spread underground and come up yards away from the perfect spot you chose for it then proceed to colonize the rest of your yard, and the neighbor’s yard, too. Word to the wise – avoid “plant swaps”. There is a reason people have excess to trade.

Ribbon Grass

I didn’t plant any bamboo, luckily, but the Japanese anemone had to come out, as did the Ribbon grass (Phalaris). I didn’t plant the Aegopodium or the Convallaria, but only was ever able to eradicate the Aegopodium as the bed was contained by the concrete drive. We built a giant sieve out of hardware cloth and I dug up the whole bed and got every scrap of root. The Lily-of-the-valley persists to this day among some hosta I transplanted to my new house, wish me luck.


The beautiful Porcelainberry vine I hid behind the garage is probably still sprouting back in spite of repeated attempts with spade and sprayer, and the gigantic Sweet Autumn Clematis that grew to cover the entire shade structure is likely still trying to swallow Plymouth Township. But it sure was pretty and smelled fantastic. But don’t plant one. It’s horrible.

The number one worst plant I ever planted was the Trumpet vine. Fond memories of plucking the orange flowers and tasting the nectar inside (sorry, hummingbirds) from my Grandmother’s yard at the original nursery on Ann Arbor Road gave me the bright idea of planting one in a tiny spot in the side garden of my postage-stamp yard. I even extended the chain-link fence six feet higher to give it a nice trellis to climb on. Visions of hummingbirds filled my imagination, and I figured in a year, maybe two – OK, FINE, three – I’d be a major stop on the hummingbird highway.



The seasons passed with not one single flower. Ever. But the VINE? It ran underground and started coming up randomly, all over the yard. Ten, twenty feet away, no problem. Digging it up was futile. It’s immune to Roundup (apparently). I tried to get rid of it for ten years.

I finally moved.

Hydrangea anomala petiolaris

These days the only vines you will catch me planting are Clematis (which randomly die for no good reason) and Hydrangea petiolaris, which is always well-behaved. A mature one came with my new house, and when the tree it was climbing on died, we left most of the trunk standing, because nobody messes with my Climbing Hydrangea. You really should plant that one.

Holly Christensen
Free Freight Promo August 2022

Are You Ready for a Revolution?

Boxwoods in a Row

A Boxwood Revolution! 

Have you heard about the two NewGen® boxwood that have come onto the market? 'Independence' and 'Freedom' came out recently and are a fresh breeze of improved genetics in the Buxus arena. They have a strong tolerance to boxwood blight and are resistant to leaf miner. Both are considered zone 5-8.

Leafminers and Boxwood Blight damage

NewGen Independence® 'SB 108’PP28888'
This is a medium-sized rounded shrub with very deep green foliage that will hold its color well throughout winter. Independence has a very strong branching structure that will hold up against most snow loads. It is considered a medium grower putting on 2-4” per year. Its final size in 25 years will reach 4.5’ x 4.5’. Thriving in sun, shade, or a mixture of both, this green beauty can go anywhere in the landscape

Buxus NewGen Freedom
Buxus NewGen Freedom

NewGen Freedom® 'SB 300’ PP32421'
This is also a medium-sized rounded shrub, although it is slightly taller than it is round. Freedom has very beautiful glossy green foliage. It will grow 3-6” a year and finish off at 5'x5’ in about 25 years. Versatile like Independence, it will grow in sun, shade, or a mixture of both.

With both of these being relatively new to the market finding any that are larger than a #3 is difficult. But with more time and a few more growing seasons, I am sure we will start seeing larger plants available. At this time, we do not stock any of these at Christensen’s Plant Center but can special order them for you. I am looking at bringing some in for next spring and just wanted to make you aware of these new beautiful boxwood that are coming soon.

Chris Nielson