Happy 50th Unilock!

A 50-year-old birthday is no small feat. As many of my friends, and in a few more years myself approach or crest that half-a-century milestone, I find myself reminiscing about the journey it took to get here, and the road from here on out. Looking back at having the first VCR and having to choose from VHS or BETA. Power steering and automatic transmissions were considered options, not standard equipment. Phones had 50’ spiral cords and every gas station, convenience store,

and restaurant had a pay phone with a phone book. I enjoy explaining to my daughter that texting was done on a typewriter and would cost you a stamp to send it with a 3-day delivery time. So, can you imagine how things were to how they are now inside a factory? Just think of the changes that have occurred to automated production and technology-driven products.

It all started back in 1972. That is when Ed Bryant brought the first paving stone from Europe over to North America. As one of the foremost leaders in the industry, Unilock has had many more firsts over the years including permeable pavers, facemix, and Ultima products. The technologies that produce these products have also changed dramatically. The days of measuring and leveling ingredients are now done with a computer and sensor-controlled mixers in a state-of-the-art facility. That’s a long way from the first plant in Barrie, Ontario.
They have also had their trials and tribulations with recessions, labor shortages, material shortages, and most recently the pandemic. But they have always strived with innovation to overcome adversity, creating new and unique quality products even when the times were tough. But let’s face it, you need a great team to make success grow and thrive.

Many of the sales reps, managers, and service reps that work at Unilock started out in the landscaping business in some way shape or form. I have seen everything from a lawn crew employee to a previous landscape owner working in the front or back offices. They add their knowledge and experience to a company that encourages learning and growing. It can be fast paced, intense and maybe be even hectic at times but the employees have always shown their best professionalism, patience and understanding. I have had the pleasure to see many of their employees rise throughout the ranks and take on new positions and challenges. I look forward to seeing many new faces that will become part of the Unilock family in the years to come.
And when I say I, I do mean we. Many of Christensen’s Plant and Hardscape Center employees work with or are even friends with Unilock employees. We have been partners for over 13 years, and I have had the privilege to watch many get married, have children, and even retire. I have a few that either live near my lake, or have a relative that lives on my lake, so I get to see them on the weekends or holidays. You may be surprised at how many interactions we have together between us after hours.

What is next? What will be the next best product, idea, design, or tool? There is so much potential in what we already have that I can’t imagine what could be next. But I like to think that Unilock does. To help commemorate their fifty years of success, they are planting a tree along with a time capsule with the intention of opening it back up fifty years from now. That’s confidence, and comes with all their hard work and effort. I sure would like to be a fly on the wall to see all the new cool things they will have by then! Congratulations to 50 now, and 50 more to come!