It pays to use quality tools – Sticks & Stones

It pays to use quality tools

Mallet faces

Most companies take an inventory of the equipment they may need to replace or purchase at the beginning of the year. It can be frustrating to have to spend money when none is coming in yet. Furthermore, you want something that is going to last. Yes, you can go to a big box store and buy inexpensive tools and equipment, but will they last? I firmly believe that you get what you pay for. There are times when I buy cheap knowing knowing a short life span will suit my needs. But when I need something tough and reliable, especially if my jobs revolve around that piece of equipment, I am willing to invest.

Simplex mallet

Here at Christensen’s, we know how important your tools are to you and your welfare, which is why we only carry professional grade quality products. Names like Felco, Truper, and AM Leonard. These products have been on the market for a very long time. This year we are pleased to introduce another great brand into our stores.

Simplex Mallet

Halder is a German company that has been around for over 80 years. Their specialty is producing high quality striking and forestry tools. We will be stocking some of their Simplex mallets. What makes these mallets unique is that every part is replaceable! This tool has a cast steel housing with an integrated handle sleeve that offers a high resistance to handle breakage. The faces are interchangeable, offering you options with different degrees of hardness allowing you to quickly adapt for different materials. We offer five different faces, including the two that come with the handle. You'll also be able to replace the housing or handle if you manage to break it, which seems unlikely with this level of quality. But I welcome you to try!

Simplex mallet

This spring, stop in at Christensen’s Plant & Hardscape Centers and let us equip you with the tools and products you need to be successful. Your job is tough, your tools should be, too. Let us show you our professional grade tools that are made to last.

Bryan Pajak