Opening Day 2019 – Sticks & Stones

Opening Day 2019

New trees

Welcome to Spring 2019!!! The Detroit Tigers home opener is April 4, and Christensen’s has already had its season opener. So let’s play ball!

Over the past winter, as in every winter, we have spent a significant amount of time getting ready for this season. Equipment, people, processes, pricing. Everything is repaired, trained, updated, and reviewed to get ready to serve you, our customers, in the best way possible for the year.

Tigers 4-4-2019

The first question I usually get from our customers is, “How far did pricing go up this year?” This year I am happy to report, not much - if at all. The buyers and managers here at Christensen’s Plant and Hardscape Centers have worked very hard at keeping our prices as close to 2018 prices as possible. We know that everything in your business has increased quite dramatically over the past several years. It surely has in our business. So this year we felt it was very important to help our customers keep their profitability.

Our price catalogs have been mailed and you should have yours in hand. If you need extra copies for your office or truck, we can provide them. Our Hardscape catalog is at the printer and will be ready soon, so grab your copy on your next visit.

2019 Catalogs

As always, we thank you for your continued business. We enjoy the relationships we have made over the past eighty-eight years. May you all have a safe and blessed 2019!

Eric Joy