Sticks & Stones – Page 13 – News & Views from Christensen's Plant Center

When in doubt, get a rock!


A recent article by my coworker Matt reminded me of this old saying. It’s born of the experiences of many rock and perennial gardeners. Throughout the years gardeners have collected and experimented with plants, looking for ways to use plants not necessarily accustomed to their soil type or zone. Their answer, in part, was raised rock gardens. Not only aesthetically pleasing, this approach created mini-climates in small spaces much in the same way mountain ranges create dramatic changes in flora from ridge to ridge. Lush forests give way to arid deserts on opposing side of the same mountains.

rock with salvia

Rocks and raised beds give plants good drainage. Many perennials in the North die, not from cold, but from excessively wet ground conditions. Perennials such as Dianthus, Lavandula, Gaura, Thymus, et al. thrive in their first plantings only to rot during their juvenile winters. Perennials with long tap-like roots such as Lupines, Hollyhock, Foxglove to name a few die from crown rot due to excessive surface moisture. The fence post problem – solid above and below the ground but rots off right at ground level.

rock with allium

Ground-covering plants like Sedums, Ajugas, Thymus run along filling the crevices, encouraged by the cool, moist conditions. The seed of many annuals and perennials find some of these same places to spend their first winter, where they experience death and rebirth in the stratifying process. A true, natural nursery.

woodland garden

Rocks help ease the stress of extreme temperature change. In the summer they create cool, moist conditions on their down side. In the winter they warm with the sun, giving roots some protection against the cold. Gardeners were often able to include plants that were a zone less hardy. This also works for woody ornamentals that are usually considered sub-shrubs such as Buddleia, Caryopteris, Callicarpa, Hypericum, Crape Myrtle, and more. These types of woodies experience varying degrees of dieback but recover well from roots and heavier wood. Even just tucking hand-sized rocks around the base of perennials and shrubs can give protection and anchor the late-planted.

fern and rocks

So when it comes to planting, if you’re ever in doubt, just go get one.

Jeff Good

Photos © Holly Christensen, except mountain scene (Storyblocks)

Plant for a full season of pollinators


In recent years, I’ve often heard that we should leave the first round of dandelions to grow and flourish for the benefit of early food for bees. You don’t need to tell me not to mow… done! That’s an easy way to help out our little winged friends.

As the movement to promote bees increases, it’s a good idea to have a pollinator plan ready for customers interested in this topical form of conservation.

For starters, since honeybees begin foraging when temperatures approach 50°, your plan needs to begin early. Minor bulbs such as Crocus, Winter Aconite, Snowdrops and Chionodoxa are valuable food sources on those first warm spring days when little is in flower. A few weeks later the Red Maples pitch in, followed by showy spring bloomers like Forsythia, Redbud, Amelanchier and Magnolia.

showy spring bloomers

Mid-to-late spring has no shortage of excellent choices, as most of our ornamentals bloom then. As things taper off into summer, Monarda, Dianthus, and Echinacea offer long blooming periods that keep the bees happy. Late summer is more challenging but Rose of Sharon and Caryopteris are two species that bloom almost into autumn.


At the tail end of the season plants like Aster, Helianthus and Sedum are excellent fall bloomers. The beginning and end of the season are the most critical, as there are fewer food sources than during the peak of the season. If you’ve incorporated annuals into your design so much the better as they will go until either killed by frost or removed.

Annual salvia

With the buzz around saving the bees increasing, it’s a good idea to have a pollinator plan ready for your customers. Not only will they be pleased with your conservational acumen, you’ll be doing a little more to help this helpful keystone species.

Check out this order of bloom list from the Arnold Arboretum

Marci McIntosh

Professional shopper?

professional shopper
“A personal shopper is someone who shops for others for a living. Personal shoppers can shop for everything, from groceries to furniture, but most personal shoppers buy clothing and accessories for their clients. Some personal shoppers work directly for clients or their personal stylists; others work for boutiques or department stores that offer personal shopping services.”

Did you know Christensen’s offers professional shopping? I never thought of it that way. A professional shopper to me, goes to the mall and buys all the stuff they love and then, tells someone else how fab it is!

personal shopper

Well ok, maybe, I have been known to tell someone how “Fab” something is. I guess I don’t think of myself as a professional shopper because I am usually slopping in the mud to find just the correct plants for you, in the right color, size, height, etc. Oh and different from everyone else, she hates pink, she wants only white, Oh wait...

choosing plants for cpc

Being a “professional shopper” here at Christensen’s make me also a professional dispatch. We actually book most of our own trucks just to make sure material is here in a timely manner as well as in the best shape. We also pay extra just to have material racked (we get to pay for the racks, as well as, fewer plants on the truck). But the difference in the way plants travel on racks vs stacked on top of one another in a truck is worth it. Some day when you have a couple hours allow me to share some trucker’s stories – it will be worth it!

Racked plants

I just can’t call myself a professional shopper. I want to be called “Plant Hunter”. Robert Fortune step aside, I am a Plant Hunter! Doesn’t that sound more regal? I think so, and there is not a day at Christensen’s that I am not hunting down plants!

Kim Roth

Easily distracted by rocks

Petosky stone

On the window sill in my office there is an ever growing collection of rocks. Most of them I've found around the grounds of Christensen's, some more exotic ones arrived in tree balls or were given to me by customers. Rocks have interested me since I was a kid. I had 'em stashed everywhere - dirty rocks in my sock drawer, jars and buckets full of rocks all over the yard, and a couple cool polished specimens were displayed on my dresser.

As I got older I wanted to know the stories behind the rocks, what they are made of, and how they came to be where I found them.

Windowsill collection

Michigan is a fantastic place for a rock-lover to reside due to an amalgamation of geological events.

400 million years ago this area was a briny tropical sea just north of the equator. As the landmass drifted northward jungles full of displaced plants and animals left behind rich soils and minerals, whilst retreating seas precipitated vast deposits of salt and sand. The ancient sea life produced fossils like Petoskey Stones and Crinoids in abundance that we find on our beaches today.

Petosky stone in water

Michigan has something else going for it when it comes to cool rocks. Volcanos!! During the mid-continental rift fiery lava gurgled up great amounts of minerals from the molten belly of our planet. When liquid magma solidifies underground it becomes igneous rocks like granite and obsidian. Granite countertops are made of magma that has slowly cooled under pressure, allowing time for crystallization. A lot of the granite you'll find in Michigan has red in it. The red color comes from the iron oxide that’s mixed in with the feldspar and quartz. When lava cools above ground it hardens into extrusive types of igneous rocks like basalt and pumice. One of my favorite rocks is called pudding stone. It's a colorful conglomerate of red jasper, quartz, and other pebbles that have been metamorphosed into quartzite.

Pudding stone

North America was once home to towering ice sheets over a mile thick. The Earth's crust was actually deformed under the weight of these ice age giants. As they slowly scraped their way down the continent countless tons of material were picked up along way (including my pudding stones). The massive ice sheets eventually settled in our Great Lakes Basin and melted, releasing rocks and debris that span both geography and time.

rock collection
Brain coral

I found this fossilized coral in my own back yard. And check out this Yooperlite - it fluoresces under UV! (What is "Yooperlite"?)


The combination of glacial transportation, continental drift, and volcanic upheaval have led to perhaps the most splendid mixes of rocks of anywhere in the world.

Matt Millington

Into the unknown

Fall Fiesta Sugar Maple

As we approach the end of the 2020 planting season, I feel that most of us in the Michigan Green Industry have been pleasantly surprised by the amount of business this year. Logistics, COVID-19 delays and shutdowns plus supply shortages due to the unexpected demand for exterior home improvement projects have been ongoing challenges this season. And keep in mind that statistically, during an election year consumers normally ease up on spending due to “fear of change in political leadership”. I don’t think we’ve seen that.

House for sale

Mortgage rates are at record lows, and desirable properties are being scooped up within days of being listed. My wife and I are in the homebuyers market, and this trend has been impressive and frustrating to experience. The saying of “Here today, gone tomorrow” has never been truer in my experience. And as we curtail travel and cultivate our social-distancing lifestyle, vacations have been replaced by “staycations”. If one can’t get away for a weekend, why not create a pleasant space to enjoy at home?

back yard fun

This year’s surge in business was completely unexpected, but what about next year? Will this trend continue? What will the state of our economy be once (or I hate to say, “if”) the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted? Many businesses and individuals qualified for financial assistance at the beginning of the pandemic, but chances are that taxpayers will have to pay it back, whether it’s in one year or spread out over several, further stressing the economic machine.

Tax day

If the unbelievable demand for material continues into next year that will be good news. But what if demand for landscape work takes a downward spiral? If your business is focused on only one specific area, there could be trouble. It may be time to consider expanding the services of your business. Here are a few examples to consider if landscape or hardscape installation isn’t as easy to achieve in 2021:

  • Seasonal fertilization programs to assist in a landscape’s overall beauty and protection.
  • Water feature installations, such as fountains and small ponds.
  • Landscape lighting enhancements to improve the home’s appearance.
  • Winter maintenance programs for year round income.
  • Tree and shrub trimming schedules for your existing customers.
  • Assist others with your ideas and knowledge in landscape designing for new contractors.
  • Insect control programs to help customers enjoy their new outdoor “staycation” spaces.
  • Irrigation installation for both new and pre-existing landscapes.

There are numerous directions to pursue and research. I guarantee you that there are dozens of other options to consider. Do whatever you can to keep your business alive and well through these challenging times.

Water feature
David Reutter

Color theory in landscape design

RGB color wheel

Color theory is both an incredibly simple and an undeniably complex concept. In the most basic sense, it is the art and science of using color.

The three fundamental tenets are the color wheel, color harmony, and color context. Using these tenets you can create a vibrant and well-balanced landscape that influences the mindset of the viewer. Read on for some examples.

primary colors

The color wheel

Let's begin with the color wheel. You have your primary colors of red, yellow, and blue. Each primary color has many representatives in the landscape whether it’s the electrifying red of a Crocosmia 'Lucifer', the sunny yellow of Hypericum, or the cool blue of Delphinum, blue spruce, or the exotic Meconopsis. Next up you have your secondary colors: green, orange and purple. Obviously there’s no shortage of green in the landscape, from the uniform green of an oak tree, to the variegated green of the Hosta 'Guacamole'. Orange is slightly more difficult to find. Butterfly Weed, Echinacea, and Daylily come to mind. Don't overlook plants that bear bright orange berries, such as Little Goblin® Orange Winterberry Holly. Purple is an easy find, from flowers like Iris, Phlox, and Campanula or foliage of Cotinus, Weigela, Heuchera, and Ninebark. So many options.

secondary colors

Color harmony

Color harmony can be a difficult thing to achieve. In essence it engages the viewer and creates an inner sense of order. Basing your color scheme on complimentary color pairs such as red/green, yellow/purple, or blue/orange creates contrast and stability. Or you might choose analogous colors, meaning colors that are side by side on the color wheel. Typically with an analogous color scheme, one color will dominate, one color will support, and one color will accent. So combining say, a bright DoublePlay® Candy Corn® Spirea (yellow-orange), Hyperion Daylilies (yellow), and 'Frances Williams' Hosta  (yellow-green) creates a wonderful gradient that works well together. Use a primary color to draw the eye to a focal point and two tertiary colors to add dimension.

analogous color harmony

Another option is using triadic colors, where the colors are spaced equally around the color wheel, for example: 'Ruby Spice' Clethra (pink), Vinca (periwinkle), and Aruncus (cream). Triadic color schemes make each individual item stand out yet still feel balanced.

triadic color harmony

Color context

Using color to create context in the landscape is relatively simple when you know what each color reflects. Warm colors (colors created using red and yellow) reflect happiness and energy. The color red itself has been show to raise blood pressure and respiration in humans and can have an overwhelming effect if used improperly. Yellow conveys a sense of happiness and permanence. Cool colors typically convey relaxation and calm. Green is a very stable color and can add harmony to most color schemes. Shades of blue can vary greatly from calming to strong and reliable. Purple is associated with creativity and imagination in most of the world, and is also widely recognized as the color of royalty.

syringa vulgaris

There are a number of websites that offer interactive color "calculators" that can help visualize the success of a planned color scheme, or inspire a new one, here are two:

Color Calculator from Sessions College

Paletton Color Scheme Designer

MaKenna Harwood

For a few lousy boxwood…

Rice Krispies

During the COVID-19 shutdown this spring, I was sitting on my porch on what was to be a beautiful day. It was early, and therefore quiet, and I heard a sound coming from my boxwood. I leaned in and distinctly heard what sounded like Rice Krispies in milk. Perplexed, I asked Google what was going on, and Google said, "leaf miners are eating the centers of your boxwood’s leaves". They were making quite a racket. They are either noisy eaters, or there were thousands of them. There was probably no time to lose, so I ignored it. 

Boxwood leaf miner

A few weeks later I saw the damage to the leaves. They were wrinkling up and turning color. I split one leaf open, and inside were tiny orange maggots, from two to six in every leaf I checked. Now that I could see the little orange bastards, it pushed me into action. I asked google how to deal with them without resorting to pesticides. Google said, "you must resort to pesticides". Particularly, a systemic insecticide that would be taken up by the plant's roots and distributed to the leaves. I applied the systemic, but I was afraid I ignored it too long. They were probably stuffed and pupating and turning into adults. 

Boxwood leaf miner

Two weeks later, my fears were confirmed. What looked like fat orange mosquitoes were flying in swarms around my boxwood, fornicating and laying eggs in the new leaves. The boxwood wouldn’t survive another generation of these Trump-colored vermin. But I was still loathe to use more insecticide. Hoover to the rescue. I took my vacuum cleaner out on the porch, and began vacuuming the mango scum, much to the dismay of my girlfriend who was awakened by the noise, and immediately questioned my sanity (not for the first or last time). To no avail, I explained my rationale about avoiding the use of insecticides that may harm beneficial insects. Verdict... I was a crazy person. I kept vacuuming. They just kept coming. After a while I went inside to take a nap. 

vacuum cleaner

I woke to the sound of a vacuum cleaner. Yes, outside was my girlfriend vacuuming boxwood. We were both obsessed. This went on for nearly two weeks. The neighbors were too polite or too scared to mention our obsession, but I doubt the boxwood would have survived another season without the intervention, and they look well on their way to recovery. I have to admit though, it was a lot of effort for a few lousy boxwood.

John Mollon

Storm warning!


As I write this, hurricane Laura is ashore in the gulf. In a matter of days, the remnants of this storm will most likely be bringing us some much-needed rain. (Hopefully only rain!)

This event coincides with the start of the last push for the landscape season here in Michigan. With this last push, I wanted to take a moment to remind all our contractors of the need to order all material as far in advance as possible to ensure a successful project.

customers in parking area

All material has been moving very quickly this year. Projects are abundant, and we have been blessed with a prosperous economy. However, this has led to issues with availability across the board for landscape materials. This coupled with the coming push for the end of the landscape season is why I am issuing this storm warning.

Black Hills Spruce
  • Place orders for EVERYTHING in advance!! Do not assume that we, or any other supplier, will “always have it in stock”. 
  • Take nothing for granted. Plant material is starting to run thin, and growers are struggling with labor. (H2A/H2B program issues, etc.)
  • Hardscape material is showing very long backlogs due to the early spring shutdowns. Many manufacturers have announced several products or lines that will no longer be made at all this year, and other products can have up to six-week lead times.

So please heed this storm warning. Place your orders early to make sure that your projects continue on smoothly for the rest of the year.

Eric Joy

Roadside invasives

Dames Rocket

These days I have a forty-minute commute to work, and I enjoy the progression of bloom through the season, of everything from landscape ornamentals to woodlots and farm fields. There is always something happening. There are some plants I would like to see less of, though.

In late May the purple, white and pink flowers of Hesperis matronalis, aka Dame's Rocket, bloom in abundance all up and down the roadsides and into fields and woodland edges. I love it, and I don't - it's invasive, having long ago escaped into the wild. It sows itself with abandon, soon forming vast colonies that crowd out and replace native plants. Related to Garlic Mustard, it spreads just as aggressively. If you like the look I would steer you to the tall phloxes, like P. paniculata or P. divaricata because we do not need any more of this plant. Don't get me started on Garlic Mustard, it's not even pretty.

Dames Rocket

But who says invasive plants *have* to be ugly? Here's another one that is a common sight in Michigan, Hemerocallis fulva, aka Ditch Lily. It's not a true lily, but a daylily, and not a neat clump-forming one, either. No, it spreads by rhizomes and forms large colonies filling the ditches on either side of roads all over the state. I like seeing the cheery orange flowers every summer but again, it's busily crowding out native plants. 'Kwanso' is a double form that is offered in the trade, it is not nearly as aggressive. 

Hemerocallis fulva

One of the worst offenders is the notorious Lythrum salicaria, aka Purple Loosestrife. In spite of decades of trying to knock it back, by physical removal and the introduction of several species of beetle that eat it, it still occupies acres and acres of wetlands across the entire continent. None of our native animals or insects really need it for either food or shelter and I am personally over the obnoxious color of the flowers, too, because they just remind me of the futility of trying to put the Genie back into the bottle.

Purple loosestrife

There was talk at one time that some of the named varieties were sterile or nearly so, but it turns out that they breed just fine with the wild ones. So even if you find it for sale, don't plant it. If you have it on your property, get rid of it. 

Purple loosestrife

There are loads of invasive plants loose in Michigan, from Autumn Olive to Phragmites, Buckthorn to Spotted Knapweed, Multiflora Rose and Oriental bittersweet, to the honeysuckles - oh, boy, the honeysuckles... To all of them I say, hit the road! 

invasive honeysuckle

For more information about these and other invasives, check out these links!

Holly Christensen

COVID-19 and the Green Industry


In all bad things, there is good.

COVID-19 has caused havoc in many industries. It has closed many businesses, some never to reopen. Covid has sickened people and some have died from the illness. This is the bad.

Here is the good for the Green Industry:

  • People were forced to stay home so they improved their homes
  • Money issues were mitigated by a $1200 stimulus payment
  • Businesses utilized the Payroll Protection Plan to keep their employees working
  • The unemployed received $600 weekly from the federal government
  • State unemployment checks continued to be paid
  • Many people planted a vegetable garden for the first time or the first time in years
  • Less travel meant fewer expenses for fuel, auto insurance
  • Vacations were postponed or cancelled so with time and money available home living conditions were improved
  • Landscaping and gardening are not impacted by crowds or social distancing
  • Landscapers are remarkably busy because of limited staffs, no immigrant workers
  • There is pent up demand within the green industry to hire additional staff
Contractor trucks

So what does the future hold for the Green Industry?

Here’s my view thru a slightly cracked crystal ball:

  • Working from home will stay with us into the future
  • Zoom meetings will replace much business travel
  • Education will transition from the classroom to ??????
  • Plants will occupy more of people's time and attention
  • Embrace the change - it is happening!
moving hydrangeas
Tim Joy

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