Sticks & Stones – Page 2 – News & Views from Christensen's Plant Center

Navigating the Boxwood Market Amidst Quarantine Regulations

As we enter our second season under the box tree moth quarantine, it’s time for an update on the restrictions. The short version is this…

The majority of our customer base CAN once again PURCHASE Boxwood from Christensen’s Plant Center.

If you need more details, keep reading…

In April of 2023, the quarantine of all Boxwood (Buxus) only included Lenawee and Washtenaw counties with some portions of Monroe and Jackson.  In July, it expanded to 10 counties; as of December 2023, 12 counties are included in the quarantine.

We are able to supply boxwood to all of the quarantine zone.  If you are planting in one of these counties: Clinton, St. Clair, Eaton, Ingham, Livingston, Oakland, Macomb, Jackson, Washtenaw, Wayne, Lenawee, or Monroe, you can stop into the Plant Center and purchase your Boxwood from Christensen’s. All we need from contractors is the installation address. We take care of the rest of the compliance.

If you are planting outside the 12-county quarantine area, you can still purchase from us, but they will need to be direct-shipped and some restrictions may apply. Talk to your Christensen’s representative about your options.

As a dedicated wholesaler of nursery stock catering exclusively to contractors, we know that the past year has been challenging for landscape professionals and business owners in our industry. The fluctuating zone has brought significant distortion to the market dynamics of this beloved shrub compelling many to seek boxwood alternatives.  While we do not wish to see the box tree moth spreading, the larger quarantine area does allow the business of boxwoods to return to a normal pace.  

We invite you to take advantage of the increased availability of boxwoods at Christensen’s. Our commitment to quality and compliance with state guidelines ensures that you receive healthy, robust plants for your landscaping projects.

For more information, Michigan State University has set up a website dedicated to the box tree moth. It includes articles and recommendations, along with contact information for experts on this subject.

Chris Nielson

Mulch Appreciated!

Spring is upon us and we are selling through our mulch at a mind-boggling pace. Hardwood mulch is incredibly popular with homeowners and contractors alike, but have you considered that there is an alternative? What if I told you that this aesthetically pleasing alternative not only suppresses weeds and smells good, it even inhibits several common pests?

Cedar mulch is all of these things!

Mulch, in general, helps the soil retain moisture by preventing rapid evaporation. It acts as a protective layer, keeping the soil temperature stable, and providing insulation for plant roots.

Cedar Mulch on a Driveway

The reddish-brown color of cedar mulch adds visual appeal to garden beds, walkways, and around trees. It complements shrubs and ornamental plants beautifully and can create inspiring contrast to accents on a home or commercial building.

Property owners and maintenance crews may find the battle with persistent weeds is much easier to win with cedar mulch, homeowners may enjoy a landscape that is easier to manage and maintain.

Cedar mulch decomposes slower than hardwood mulch. This longevity translates to cost savings for homeowners. They won’t need to replace it annually, making it a more sustainable and budget-friendly option.

Cedar mulch is like a natural bug barrier for your garden. The secret lies in the aromatic compounds found in the wood, including cedrol, thujaplicin, and thujone. These compounds have pest-repelling properties, making cedar mulch an effective deterrent against insects such as roaches, moths, ants, and termites.

These compounds have been tested for efficacy against gnats and are even available extracted as a pesticidal spray for indoor plants.

The next time you’re discussing mulch options with your clients, consider emphasizing the cedar advantage!

Looking for even better weed control? Try putting Treflan granular pre-emergent down before the mulch.

Matt Millington

Frost Under the Flower Moon

Spring in Michigan is always a temperamental time. One day it’s sunny and 70, and the next day it’s snowing. Drop the words “frost free date” anywhere in a Google search and you can get the average date predicting when it’s safe to plant.  The problem with averages is that they come from data on both sides of the average and using this date could leave you frost-burnt as frequently as half the years.

Here at Christensen’s, the full moon in May, or the ‘Flower Moon’ is something we always keep top of mind along with the average frost-free dates. Each spring, we take out our calendars, look for this ever-changing date, and wait patiently. The reason being is that many in our nursery believe that until we are past this milestone, we are still at risk of a frost. Sometimes we get lucky, and this turning point is early, and in other years- like this one, it is late.

The full moon in May was named, as other monthly moons were, by Native American tribes. In regions that were covered in carpets of flowers, the commonly used name of Flower Moon was coined. Other Native American cultures used different names based on what was occurring around them at that time such as Corn Planting moon or Blossom moon. This full moon paired with a clear night has long been believed to bring bitterly cold and unseasonable weather with the threat of hard frosts. The best example of this was the 2020 Flower Moon which brought a cold snap that extended for several days.

Depending on your source, some people believe the Flower Moon is a strong indicator, while others believe it is a long-held myth.  While researching we contacted our favorite local source for all things horticulture, Michigan State University, and asked if they knew of any scientific source that could prove or disprove the moon’s effect on frost. One response was that there isn’t much research on the connection.  Another thought is that it is likely a timing thing – which leads to conclusions that may or may not be able to be proven.

Whether you believe in the Flower Moon or not, we can all agree that, for us in the horticulture industry, a sudden burst of cold weather can be very bad news.  It is dangerous to fresh foliage, buds, and flowering trees.

As you probably know, plants spend the winter in a sleep called dormancy. This dormant period naturally hardens off your shrubs and perennials to withstand the harsh winter temperatures. However, once your plants start to emerge in the spring, we become concerned about colder temps. There are 3 types of freezes issued by the National Weather Service- Frost, freeze, and hard freeze. A frost- sometimes called ‘Killing Frost’ is just frozen dew. Water on the ground, and on the leaves of plants become frozen when temps fall into mid-30s, and winds are calm. A freeze is when temps are at 32 degrees and conditions such as wind prevent the formation of frost. Lastly, a hard freeze is the most serious and occurs when temps drop below 28 degrees for an extended period. It is worth noting that the length of freeze overnight matters. A 1-hour freeze before sunrise is not as worrying as an hours long freeze in the middle of the night. All types of freeze warnings must be recognized, and a plan of action set in place.

The Flower Moon this year is late and will not occur until May 23rd. If you pair the Flower Moon with the averages that range from May 23rd to May 27th, depending on where you are, you will want to watch low temperatures and come up with a plan to combat the frost. Houseplants or potted material can easily be moved inside and out of the cold. In a nursery setting, or in your customers’ yards, here are some tips to mitigate some potential frost damage. At the nursery, we do two main things to battle against frost. Our first method is the continuous running of our irrigation. This frost protection program starts in the wee hours of the morning and runs every 45 minutes for 5-minute spurts throughout the entire nursery. This protects plants by using the heat of the water to continuously warm the plants. Our second mode of action is to use frost protection blankets. These blankets are typically lightweight but effective and do a nice job of keeping the frost from hitting the newly flushed leaves and buds. This method is less practical when talking about protecting an entire nursery, but a very effective plan for flower beds, or to cover smaller groups of our flushed perennials, and Roses. Tucking our plants in before a cold night gives us the peace of mind that they are safe and sound. Some other methods used across the industry are frost fans, under tree sprinklers, keeping grass short to absorb heat, frost protection sprays, and even the use of helicopters to increase air movement.

No matter how you slice it, frost is the arch nemesis of the nursery and homeowners alike. During early spring, it is imperative that we be on watch for cold temps and potential freezes. Whether you can run continuous irrigation, or just plan on using a frost blanket, having a game plan to protect your plants is imperative. Until Memorial Day, we will be keeping our eye on the sky to ensure the best plant material possible!

A special thank you to Michigan State University’s Rebecca Finneran and Keith Mason for help with frost-free dates. MSU is an excellent source for questions on lawns, landscape, gardening and horticulture in general.  You can contact them 24/7 by clicking here. Also, check out MSU’s Enviroweather Tool by clicking here. 

Molly De La Rosa Author

Rhododendrons 101

Rhododendron Cunningham White

First of all, “Rhodys”, Azaleas, and ‘PJMs’ are all the same!!! They are all officially part of the rhododendron genus. They are one of our most popular stars of spring. All of those stocked at Christensen’s are Broadleaf Evergreens, flower in the spring, stay leafed out all year, and start the process over again. (We do not stock deciduous Azaleas anymore but if you need them, we will get you some.)

'Boursault' Rhododendron

Those most commonly recognized as “Large Leaf” Rhododendron can be monsters in their natural habitat, the Mid Atlantic. They do not actually have a final height or width as they will continue to grow and grow. I have seen massive ones traveling through Pennsylvania (it’s kinda hard to tell the exact size at 80MPH!). The cultivars that we sell here are some of the hardiest. We stick to H1 hybrids (H1=hardy to -25°F, occasionally a few H2’s arrive and they are hardy to -15°F, after that, we shy away!). ‘Edith Bosely’ is one of my favorites with a deep purple flower. 

I also like ‘Boursault’, again another purple flower (heading towards pink). ‘Boursault’ is a Rhododendron catawbiense hybrid and is short. It will reach 5-6’ max. Both are those hardier H1 hybrids.

  'Karen'                                  'Rosebud Double Light Pink'                            'Hino Crimson 

All Azaleas are Rhododendron… But not all Rhododendron are Azaleas. And, what would spring be without them? My favorite here is not your favorite (I can tell!!). ‘Elsie Lee’ is mine with huge purple trusses. The plant will reach 4-5’. Your favorites, based on sales, are ‘Karen” (Lavender, 3-4’), ‘Rosebud’ (small plant 2-4’ with pink flowers), and ‘Hino Crimson’ (2-4’ with deep red flowers). Oh yeah, you guys like ‘Stewartstonians’ also (4-5’ with deep red flowers).

(Sometimes I do question your tastes!!)

'Elsie Lee' Azalea

'PJM Elite' Rhododendron

Last on my list of Rhododendrons is the small-leafed “PJM”. ( FYI: PJM is a series developed by Peter J. Mezitt and his son in the 1930s to be exceptionally winter hardy.) They are getting very hard to find. Sometimes we get ‘PJM’, ‘PJM Elite’, or ‘PJM Regal’. They are all very similar and can work interchangeably. All have the same ‘PJM’ flowers and will reach 3-5’.

'Hino Crimson' Azalea

All Rhododendrons are planted for those flowers. I hear complaints about “Rhodies” not doing well after the first year or not flowering well after the first year. I am here to tell you WHY!!! Those great big, huge, long blooming flowers drain the plant of any strength it had! Not only will keeping your “Rhodo’s” well-fed produce more flowers, but it will help the plant with overwintering. Giving it strength to maintain those flower buds all winter long until WOW! Speaking of which – Remember “Rhodo’s” produce the flower buds just after blooming this year. If you need to prune your “Rhodies”, do so just after they flower.

One last note about Rhododendrons. They like very acidic soils. Top dressing them with peat a couple times a year will not only help to acidify the soil but by acidifying the soil the plant is able to take up more nutrients, therefore more flowers!! WIN-WIN.

Gotta go and find more ‘PJM’s’ and probably ‘Stewartstonians”! 

'Edith Bosley'

Kim Roth Byline

A Total Eclipse of a Plant

Just in case you haven’t heard about it, today is the day of the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse. We would like to think that our newsletter is so good that you feel it’s the only source of information you need, but that would mean you are just now finding out it is going to get dark this afternoon! Our main customer base is not in the arc of totality. I believe we are only going to hit 97%. So, for us, it’s mostly been business as usual. A couple of weeks ago, I heard that some of our customers are expecting an influx of people into their area of up to 2 million! There have been a lot of recommendations in the news on how to best enjoy this rare event in our area. I hope that you make the best of it. 

But since we’re in the business of plants, I’d like to ask you…
What would you consider a “Total Eclipse of a Plant?”

Many traditional shade genera have eclipsed themselves and have added sunbathing to their abilities. (Would we consider that a lunar eclipse of a plant?) Hosta have been a staple in the shade garden for years but nowadays you can put them in the sun! This means that the bed that goes along the house (typically in shade) and out to a point in the yard (typically full sun) can have matching plants in both the  sun and shade! As a rule, green, chartreuse, or golden-leaved varieties tolerate the sun better than the blue or white variations. Choose favorites like August Moon, Guacamole, Patriot, Paul’s Glory, Stained Glass and Sum & Substance. Hostas, like Astilbe, Heuchera, Hellebore’s, and other shady plants that can tolerate the sun, do require more watering if placed in a sunny location.

Solenia & Double Delight Begonias Proven Winners

In the ever-changing annual market, they have bred for sun tolerance in Begonias. In recent years, Proven Winners has brought on the Double Delight and the Solenia Begonias. Both series are recommended for sun to part sun. They aren’t recommended for shade at all!

But my question is, “Why?”  So many plants are sun tolerant already.  Shade varieties are the minority and need to be sought out for troublesome spots in the landscaping.  Where are the shade-tolerant Coneflowers? How about a good tall shade-loving Ornamental Grass? Why are we breeding (in my opinion) in the wrong direction?

David Austin Emily Bronte Rose

On the other side of the moon, are there sunny plants eclipsing themselves by taking some shade? Who is trying to bring the bright colors of roses into the dark corners of the garden? David Austin, that's who. His English rose collections have some full sun roses that will take shadier locations. Some of Dave’s roses only need 4-5 hours of sun. Ironically, one of them is called “Bring Me Sunshine”.  They are a step in the right direction of bringing more plants over to the shady side. 

Now, that’s what I call a total eclipse of a plant!

Looking for more options to keep continuity between sun and shade? Check out our resources on the website or give us a call. We are happy to help!

Marci McIntosh

Forward to the Next Season – Spring!

For, lo, the winter is past,
The rain is over and gone;
The flowers appear on the earth;
The time of the singing of birds is come,
And the voice of the turtle is heard in our land.

           ~ Song of Solomon as quoted by Ernie Harwell

My wife will tell you that one of my faults is I love every season that Michigan has to offer.  Even winter, much to my wife’s displeasure.  I do really enjoy what every season has to offer.  They all bring new opportunities, adventures, and pleasurable pursuits.

Spring Windows Open

Spring offers a time for starting fresh.  Everyone is in the mood for new starts.  Windows on houses are open for fresh air to come in.  Dads are out in the garage getting them ready for summer toys to be used.  And landscaping crews are out cleaning up landscapes.  Getting ready to start installing fresh material.  Spring cleaning and spring training.

Christensen’s Plant and Hardscape Centers are no different.  Equipment has had all of its needed maintenance.  All of our winter polyhouses are open with the hoops removed.  And load after load of fresh shade and ornamental trees have started arriving every day from all over the Midwest.

Christensen's Welcome Back Door

Spring marks the time in the landscape industry when all of the last season is gone.  Even the memories are fading.  Allowing all of us to start the year with fresh minds full of new ideas for the coming year.  I would urge all of you to go into this year with fresh eyes full of hope, looking for those fresh ideas.  You never know who those ideas are going to come from.  Most often the best ideas come from the least likely of sources.  You need only be ready to realize it.

May your year be full of prosperity.  We are here to help all of you.

Eric Joy

The Only Thing That Stays the Same is that Everything Changes

It’s that time of the year when peace and reflection are prominent in our minds here at Christensen’s. Even more so this year for me, as a friend of my family recently passed away. And while his death was not unexpected, the timing was at 76 years young.

Our families had met when Chuck was the representative for a nursery selling plants to our nursery. He and my father became friends. Soon after, my mom and Chuck’s wife also became friends and thus started a 40-year friendship. 

We would all visit Chuck and his wife at their lake home multiple times a year for a decade. Chuck taught me how to drive a boat and Chuck influenced both my father and I to join him in hunting. A hobby both of us still enjoy to this day. Chuck had that way about him that was almost infectious. He would look at you and say, “Hey, try this.” and you just wanted to give it a whirl. Hunting, fishing, tubing behind his boat (Even though he drove like he was trying to kill you), launching 4th of July fireworks off a floating swim platform (Don’t try this one. It didn’t work out so well). We did it all together.

After his passing, my family caught up with his family on Facebook. Time and distance had separated us for many years. So, it was good to catch up with old friends. We spent the better part of two hours chatting over Facebook Messenger, reminiscing of times spent with each other. We then caught up again at the celebration of life his daughters held for him. Again, spending time catching up about life. Like my life, their lives had changed in the years since I last saw them. Easy conversation with people who I have been friends with for almost my entire life.

This year has been filled with changes in the landscape industry and at Christensen’s Plant Center. And the future holds more change for all of us. My hope for all of you is that the change is for the better. And wherever life takes you, do not forget that there is always time in our busy days to talk to a friend.

Please have a safe and wonderous holiday season! I look forward to seeing all of you in the spring and hearing your stories from the time we spent apart.

Eric Joy

The Return of Cap’n Obvious: Arch Villains with Purpose

Good morning, Minions, and welcome, once again, to another episode of the Chronicles of your favorite Cap’n.  It has been some time since your Cap’n has made an appearance in these articles, or on other social media sites for that matter. So it’s been requested, or rather encouraged, from “The Man With The Big Mustache” to possibly pull The Cap out of his state of semi-retirement, which really means I’ve had a dreadful case of writer’s block, and I don’t get out as much as I used to and observe weird situations or other comical scenarios to which I get to insert my twisted sense of humor for your entertainment. 

Basically, it’s me calling someone dum…. Errr… questioning an individual’s state of intelligence, at that particular moment, using as many drawn out adjectives that are normally infused with a vulgarity or four, and sometimes other random humorous zingers just to help us all get a laugh out of any given day.  This time around though… I gotta try something different...


Pickerus Impalemus Maximus

Yeah, I said it:  my first villain are the little burgundy monsters that can make a grown man scream like a little girl.  I’ve said for decades that the first plant that everyone knows or learns in the green industry is burning bush.  Barberry is second because, well, pain is a WONDERFUL teacher. I recall a story a LONG time ago (back when your Cap’n had a full head of hair), a contractor came in with one of his workers that was straight out of High School.  We’re all riding around snagging material, and we pull up next to a gorgeous patch of these little red rapscallions.  I say to the newbie “Be careful, these babies bite”.  Well, when you’re 18-19 years old, chances are that you’re still young, dumb, and invincible.  

      Instead of grabbing it by the pot, as ya should always do, he grabs it by the hair instead.  

Minions, he would’ve given Mariah Carey a run for her money with the high-pitched scream that could break glass.  The contractor falls out of the golf cart laughing, only to say “He warned you!  Bwahahaha!”.  He may have peed himself a little bit, I may have also, and the kid more than likely did.  Fun times for all! 

       Remember:  These stories are TRUE.

But Cap’n… what purpose do these devil plants have other than shivving people that just want to help them survive?  There are a few things going for these Hellions; adaptability, and sometimes home security.  Barberry are easy to grow, come in a variety of maturity sizes, and nowadays a variety of colors. Everyone knows about pygmy barbs (remember, it’s the second plant ya learn), but there are greens, yellows, variegated (rose 

 glow),and even orange! Whether you decide to keep them short, let them grow tall, or keep them in-between, barberries are like the honey badgers:  they don’t give a… well, they don’t care where they go so long as they get some sun and some water. As for home security?  Plant them under your windows. There isn’t any sane person out there who will attempt to use that way as an entrance or an exit.  Then again, there’s TikTok nowadays, so there is a possibility for someone to use these as a landing pad when they cartwheel off a house roof while yodeling. I find it amazing what people will do just to land a few followers on social media.


Painimus  Inmybuttimus

Ohhhhh, Minions…. My pure HATRED for this plant is near legendary in this industry, and yes, I am not going to go easy on this botanical nightmare that, in my opinion, originated in Hell. I say this because the taproot on these may actually reach the core of the Earth. 

But Cap’n, why do you dislike this plant so much?

For me, Minions, it’s a personal vendetta that I have against this plant that goes back to my childhood.  Growing up, we had 5 BIG yuccas in our yard, and my dad wanted to do something different in that particular garden bed.  So, he says “David, I need you to take those yuccas out”.  I’m 12 years old, so I’m all gung-ho and say “OK! I’ll get em!”.  Little did I know that the root structure runs so deep on these that it was probably wrapped around the Great Wall of China… and all I have is a shovel.  So, I dug…and dug…and dug some more… and I had success!  But, as demonic as these are, they hell-spawned the following year. And the year after.  And the year after that.  I battled these little bastards for years, and I swear they were laughing at me…just like my dad.  I lost several Saturday mornings attempting to eradicate these hellions, and I have never forgiven them for almost 4 decades.

Now you may be asking, “Cap’n, what purpose does this plant have even though you want to launch a missile at them?”.  Simple:  They are nearly indestructible. Full sun? No problem.  Shady area?  They don’t care.  Lack of water? No problem. Nice flowers? Yep…for about 3 days until the wind snaps them off. Deer resistant?  Yep, even deer hate them. Nice foliage? If variegated green and yellow works for you, then definitely.  Basically, this is arguably the best low to NO maintenance plant in Michigan. Throw these into a blank area as a filler item, and you’ll have something to look at for years to come, just keep in mind that once you plant them, you’re probably going to be stuck with them for eternity.  For me personally, the plastic pots that they come in should be encased in concrete and stored here at the nursery in Block 36.  For those of you who don’t know where Block 36 is when you visit us:  that’s our drainage pond that’s about 15 feet deep. In my opinion, that’s the perfect place for them to exist.


Toomanyus Eyeballius

                Minions, I don’t fear many things. Snakes, clowns, enclosed places, heights, politicians, elevated mortgage rates, mimes, you get the idea.  I can coexist fairly enough with all of those common problem children, but your Cap’n does have a weakness, and the vast majority of my fellow coworkers (they’re Minions also, btw) and just about everyone that asks “Where is the Cap’n?” on social media knows exactly what it is: 


                Ladies and gentlemen, evolution was having a VERY angry day when these creatures came into existence.  Maybe a meteor hit us that day, I don’t know.  I find them to be, arguably, the most brutal organism on Planet Earth. An old friend of mine that I worked with here for a long time asked as to why I have this hatred and fear of a little spider.  I then proceeded to tell him my point of view on these over-legged, over-eyeballed, and sometimes furry nightmarish monsters.  I just gave myself chills, and I haven’t gotten to the story yet. 

Picture this:  You’re a bug flying along looking for something to munch on during your few weeks of living when all of a sudden:  You stop abruptly.  You are stuck on a sticky web that you didn’t see.  Then you turn your head only to see an unidentified object with 8 eyeballs, 8 legs, and a couple of ginormous fangs speeding towards you, and there’s not a thing that can be done.  Well, if you’re in this scenario, at least it’ll be over quick, right?  Ohhhhhh Hell No! It bites you, but only paralyzes you.  THEN these evil, vile, sneaky trappers from Hades decide to start crocheting... with sticky thread…that originates from their ass… all over you.  Congratulations!  This abomination just turned you into a sweater. Thanks, Martha Stewart!  So now here you are: paralyzed, stuck in a web, you’re wearing a sweater in the middle of summer, feeling somewhat humiliated, and you’re not dead yet.  How can this get worse?  Along comes Demon Child again for a little snack… and you’re the snack.  Instead of hammering down and finishing you off like an 800-pound person at an all-you-can-eat buffet, it instead decides to sip on you like a Slurpee…for days... and during this whole time, the freakazoid is only getting LARGER. And hungrier.

Dramatization: No actual grenades were used in the creation of this article.

                Fun stuff, right? Here’s some more for ya:  Some spiders have some pretty wicked poison to boot. Think about that:  A spider can cause significant damage to, or even kill, a PERSON with ONE BITE.  Wanna hear another fun fact?  DID YOU KNOW that the Daddy Longlegs spider is actually one of the MOST venomous spiders?  Fortunately for us, their fangs are so small that they can’t puncture our skin. With the way evolution goes, how long is that going to hold up?  I may be on my 104th life by then, but it’s something to think about.  Anyhoo, I finished my story with my coworker, and I seriously think that I made him gain arachnophobia through my ramblings.  I did notice that he dusted the corners of his office a bit more often.

Dramatization: No actual spiders were harmed in the creation of this article.

                “Cap’n, I want to obliterate every spider on the globe now!  They’re Brutal! They’re Evil! They can be deadly! Some are ENORMOUS!” How can they POSSIBLY have a purpose?”  As much as I hate to say it, we do need them.  Why?  They eat bugs, maybe like that damn Box Moth that’s causing some havoc around Michigan lately. It’s Nature's Insecticide!   As much as I want to stomp, drag, and smear them 6 feet underneath my boot, I do realize that if they don’t take out bugs, then our industry will suffer from various forms of insect contamination, damage, infestations, ect.  Sure, we can spray chemicals all day long, but the

 from arachnophobia.  After you walk through arborvitaes, get a face full of web, and notice that a fearsome, nightmarish creature with more eyeballs than you is staring back at ya, I have no problem making an appointment.

Minions, it has been a pleasure entertaining you with the Chronicles once again.  It’s been a VERY long time since I had my rantings such as this, so maybe your Cap’n will continue to appear with his misadventures at the end of the seasons.  Be safe out there!


David Reutter

Continuing the Tradition: Deer Hunting

I was going to write about compost. I am such a huge fan. That rich nourishing smell of the earth, the way the steam rises off a warm rich freshly turned pile. Something I love and know a lot about! However, being that the release of this article (Nov 7), I thought I would try writing about something I know absolutely nothing about! Deer Season! That time of year when beards start to grow, the gear gets brought out, rifles get sighted, PTO that has been saved is about to be used, and the nursery is almost vacated of staff and customers.

What gives? I thought I would do a little research and see what all the hype is about. And boy did I learn a lot!

Of course, my immediate focus was ‘hunting and the challenges to the landscape’.  However, as I was educating myself on all things “whitetail”: scouting, the Rut, scrapes, rubs, food, disease, etc., I was totally intrigued by this thing called “hunting”! I get it!

Even though I couldn’t shoot or use a bow, the opportunity to be in the woods, the excitement in the air, and the camaraderie between fellow hunters must be an awesome experience. So why the decline in hunters? It was interesting to read about the decline and the ripple effect it has on the economy.

Public opinion has had a direct effect, and this year had the biggest decline in 30 years. Demographics have had a huge impact on the approval rating. Only 65% of African Americans approve of hunting, 61% of Hispanics, and 69% of people 18-39. The highest favorability was those who hunt regularly, shoot recreationally, fish, are male, caucasian, live in the Midwest or rural areas and are 35 years old or older.

The decline of hunters has vast funding issues for the state government. Fewer licenses being sold hurts state and federal programs. Hunting pumps hundreds of millions into conservation efforts. Unfortunately, without that funding, there is a less detailed approach to many programs. Most importantly, controlling and managing the herd!

As much as I like hearing my hunter friends bragging about that 8-point buck, it seems the responsible approach to managing the herd lies with the does. With the decrease in hunters, the deer population is rising. This increase in the deer population has many great concerns.

According to, 58,000 car related accidents resulting in 11 deaths occurred in Michigan in 2022. The cost of repairs can be in the thousands or even result in your vehicle being a total loss. Keep in mind that most of these accidents have been reported on two lane roads, and when the deer are at their most active, early dawn or at dusk.

Deer management is important for improving and maintaining forest health. Deer like to eat saplings, seedlings, and native plants, clearing the way for invasive species to spread into highly populated areas. Decades of over browsing have left many forests with the inability to regenerate.

Disease is also a risk of overpopulation. CWD and other diseases have been responsible for large die-offs. It is important to maintain herd size for the safety of the public and hunters.

I could certainly continue in many different directions. I could go on about all the cool clothing and garb, best practices, safety, and even about programs aimed at building renewed interest in the sport. There is so much more to the sport then picking up a weapon and heading in the woods. Educate yourself, respect the landscape, and be mindful of the footprint you leave behind. Have fun and be safe!

But, most of all, good luck!

Joanna Mueller byline

Tuck In Your Perennials for a Long Winter’s Nap

In late fall, besides the trees changing colors, you will also notice a change in your perennials. In this article, I would like to discuss fall perennial practices. Topics will include fall cleanup, which perennials should be cut back vs. which should not, perennial varieties that provide habitat for local wildlife, and how we close up the perennial greenhouses in the nursery. These tips should help with the overwintering process.

Let’s start in the landscape. When the temperature drops, it is wise to consider a fall cleanup. Cutting back your perennials in the fall prevents winter damage and is helpful to reduce the chance of infection. Most perennials can be cut back for the winter months. I would recommend cutting things like Hosta, Daylily, Nepeta, Peony, Phlox, and Salvia 1-2 inches from the ground. You can use pruners to cut them back by hand, but if you do, be sure to dip them in alcohol to kill any disease that may be spread through using the same tools on multiple plants. Some landscapers even cut back their perennials with a weedwhacker! Just make sure you clean up the debris so they will not be subject to any disease.

On the flip side, there are a few arguments for leaving some perennials in your garden alone. To protect the habitats of birds, and beneficial insects, you could consider not cutting Rudbeckia, Echinacea, Eupatorium or perennial sunflower. These seeds will provide food throughout the winter. If your home is close to wooded areas, meadows, or contains a brush pile, your garden may be even more habitat friendly. Some perennials that I would not cut back in the fall would be Asclepias, Ferns, Heuchera, and Dianthus. This is to protect the crowns during the harsh winter. Perennials are more cold-hardy when their stems are left intact. These stems can trap in snow, and work as an insulator for their crowns. A quick clean-up in the spring, and these will be just fine. The last reason why I would consider leaving some perennials be, would be their winter interest. Some stuff just looks awesome covered in snow! Species with stiff stems, or flat or cone-shaped dried flowers have a great winter look! Things like Sedum Autumn Joy, Ornamental grasses, or Echinacea Purpurea add to a garden’s winter beauty!

Here in the nursery, we do a few things to protect all our stock, including perennials from the harsh winter cold. Firstly, all of our material is placed in a hoop house (or a block that will ultimately become a hoop house). These “houses” are covered in opaque plastic. The covering of the perennials tends to happen a little quicker, as we have greenhouse structures- with doors, allowing us to still access the material. The benefit of covering early is the ability to control moisture. Too much, or too little moisture in the fall can contribute to the livelihood of potted material come spring. Another tip I have learned in my years in the nursery, is using items like Stella D’ Oro, or Hosta Patriot to act a barrier around more sensitive groups like Heuchera and Dianthus. 

It is also not uncommon to line an entire house with some of those winter tolerant varieties to both save space, and act as a buffer for other material. We also have one heated structure that we use to protect our grasses (mainly Miscanthus, and Pennisetum varieties), from ever freezing. By keeping minimum heat on our grasses, we are ensuring a healthy, happy grass come spring.

Whether you are overwintering perennials in your landscape, or at your nursery there are many factors to consider. Moisture, temperature, snowfall, and sometimes just plain old luck are all factors that will determine how your perennials fare over a long winter. Keeping in mind potential winter damage, bird and insect benefits, and most importantly, what’s best for the plant, will ensure a seamless transition to the brisk winter days! Happy spring clean ups!

Molly De La Rosa Author

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