Sticks & Stones – Page 9 – News & Views from Christensen's Plant Center

To Sod or To Seed

Green Grass

Whether you are going to sod or to seed your next lawn project there are advantages to both. Depending on the job, leveraging your options could give you a competitive advantage with your customers. Here are how the choices stack up.

The biggest advantage that sod has is the instant gratification of a green lawn and immediate erosion control by acting as a blanket to help hold soil in place. Sod has a faster turnaround time for when your customer can use their yard. After about two to three weeks the sod is rooted in and ready for normal lawn traffic. So, for those customers that decided to re-do the whole yard right before the graduation party/outdoor wedding/backyard baby shower, think sod.

Sod Pallets under the shade structure

The biggest advantage when you choose seed is the initial cost. Both the cost of product and installation start out lower. Having many different choices of blends of seed to make sure that you get the right lawn you are looking for. From Kentucky bluegrass to perennial ryegrass to red fescue, seed allows you to customize your mix to the area you’re planting. Seed can be a boon when you’re working with a discerning homeowner that’s willing to wait a little to get exactly what they want out of their lawn.

Grass related products

Whether you choose to seed or sod, here at Christensen’s we have options for both to make sure you get the right product for your job. When it comes to seed Christensen’s carries three choices for you, sunny mix, shady mix, and fast green mix. If you require a special mix for your job beyond those, we can special order it for you. For those spots that need a little extra care, you can pick up sunny/shady lawn patch.

We also offer several items to make sure that your seed is given the best possible start. Try PennMulch, a mixture that fertilizes, holds in moisture, and holds the seed in place, over top of your seed to speed up germination and fill in quickly. Straw blankets are MDOT approved and help manage erosion, protect seeds from birds and shade the ground to help retain moisture. Talk to a sales rep about EZ Straw, fertilizer, sprinkler towers, and hoses. We stock all of these items to make your lawn and turf endeavors successful.

Van Agen Sod farm with blue skies and fresh cust sod next to the sod field

If sod is your choice, Christensen’s stocks a few pallets of fresh-cut sod in our yard, brought in bi-weekly. However, if you let us know when you are going to be laying the sod we can get as much as you need for your job. Upon ordering, you can pick it up from our yard or, if it meets the quantity minimum, you can have it shipped directly to your job site or yard.

So, whether you are laying sod or spreading seed Christensen’s has you covered.

Chris Nielson


Let That Soak In

Bryan Pajak on his Boat in Early Spring

I love spring! The trees foliating and flowers blooming, the smell of fresh air in the house, planting the garden, and, of course, the boat rides. Last spring was nice, not hot too soon, no crazy two-foot snowstorms, but we did have a slight amount of extra rainfall. Slight being the understatement of the year, as we had over 2 months’ worth of rain in about a week! So, for a while last year I lived on 2 lakes, one my boat was on and the other in my back yard! Detroit and some neighboring cities were hit especially hard. A combination of old or faulty equipment, the inability of the infrastructure to process that amount of water, and I’m sure some design flaws and errors along the way.

Truck driving through flooded street

Water is the most destructive force on the planet, and it doesn’t take much of it to do a whole lot of damage. Climate changes have been producing some of the most intense and destructive weather that we have ever seen, and there is no sign of this pattern changing. What once worked before may be inadequate for today’s needs. As many municipalities change their designs on the processing and reclamation of storm and runoff water, should you also change your designs on the landscaping end?

Pothole on Ann Arbor Road in Plymouth Michigan

Unfortunately, we suffer every year from the effects of our freeze thaw cycle. The water underneath thaws and refreezes so many times that it creates voids by pushing everything around it away. When it thaws, those voids get refilled yet with more water and the process restarts. The problem is that the water has nowhere to go. You can’t stop the expansion, but you can give it a path to follow. One of the newer trends has been the use of clean fill aggregate as a base for driveways, patios, and even roads.

Clean Limestone in 6A and #8

The biggest differences between the clean aggregates and the traditional is the removal of the finer particulates and a more consistently sized stone. The lack of the finer particulates does not take away from the strength and stability of the base, but it allows for water expansion without exerting outward pressure in a confined area. This also allows for excellent drainage, so no more puddles or ponds. Many municipalities have incorporated this type of base because of how effective it is in reducing icing and refreezing since the water drains as soon as it has thawed. And the best part is you do not have to use a permeable style paver to obtain the benefits of a permeable base. The cost to change from traditional to permeable is negligible, the installation is slightly different but easy to follow.

High Format New Mission Driveway

As great as this sounds, there are of course a few draw backs. Firstly, is finding the material. Permeable pavers and permeable materials are slowly becoming more popular, but you may find certain areas more challenging than others to find the supplies you need. You will have to retrain your crew for a new installation process which is not hard, but change can always be a challenge. Lastly, this base requires maintenance. If you think of the base as a sponge, when the top is covered and clogged it no longer absorbs as well. Depending on the area, the amount of traffic, and surrounding landscape, this may need some frequent attention or very minimal maintenance. So, keep in mind that a permeable based driveway might not be the best choice if you live off a dirt road. But if your sunny backyard patio is always underwater after a good rain, that might be helpful choice.

At Christensen’s Plant and Hardscape Centers, we stock a huge assortment of drainage components from companies like NDS. We also stock the clean aggregates for the Hardscapers out there, too. Stop in and see what we can help solve for you. I promise you; it will not put a drain on us!

Bryan Pajak

Pumping Up Your Project Pipeline

Pipeline Reaching Out Into The Sunset

Commercial Projects are my beat here at Christensen’s Plant Center. I spend each day advising and developing relationships with project managers, landscape architects and estimators on upcoming projects. The last two seasons have been extremely disruptive for commercial work. Many projects were delayed, abandoned, or just in limbo. Work dried up to a trickle, but, as the economy opened up, so did the project pipeline.

Construction Equipment Prepping A Project

You can get your company into the pipeline in two different ways. Many commercial projects come through the bid letting sites, such as Dodge, BidNet (MITN), and MDOT. These are great sites to start your journey. Some are free, others charge, but each can be a beneficial resource when you’re looking.

Toy Workers on a dry concrete landscape

Many projects are awarded based on relationships and connections. Project and construction managers are extremely loyal and protective of their teams. Commercial jobs can be demanding. Weather, change orders, and delays are all routine. Your team’s ability to respond and perform will earn you that loyalty. When you build these relationships, you will never lack for opportunities. I know project teams that have worked together for years.

What type of projects work for your company? Many times, project failure is just a mismatch of landscape contractor and the type of work involved. Large projects lasting many years have longer payment cycles that may not work for you and your suppliers. New construction, weather delays, inspections and approvals are all considerations and potential headaches. After you have been successful, and figured out “your type”, that should be your focus for the future.

Gordie HoweInternational Bridge Project Concept Artal Bridge

The Gordie Howe International Bridge project is huge with thousands of plantings to be installed - how many companies can handle that scope of project, or even want to? This was never more apparent to me than this spring when I delivered some wetland plants to one of our contractors on Lake St. Clair. He was in a wetsuit, on a very nasty day, working in the water! He had his entire team in wetsuits. Now that’s a company that has found their niche and never will lack for project work. They can probably pick and choose what they want to work on. What a competitive advantage for them!

Team Meeting Over Blueprints

Focus your efforts on finding your projects. Build relationships with construction and project managers that specialize in your type of projects and sell your passion! Develop your team to earn more profitable projects and work on your type of projects. Don’t waste your time chasing the ones that won’t work. All projects are not created equal, so focus and discipline is required.

Clint Rasch Helping A Customer On the Phone

If I can ever assist you in developing your Project Team, let me know. The next few seasons will be like drinking out of a fire hose. The projects are going to come at us so fast and furious, we will look back at last year as the good old days. The supply chain shortages will sort out over the next few years, but last year is a taste of what’s coming. The disruption while challenging, also creates opportunities for you and your team. Start developing your Project Pipeline today. Build relationships that will keep your Pipeline full. Focus on your projects, and turn that fire hose into a drinking fountain!

Clint Rasch

Bring On Spring – We’re Ready!

Old Fashioned Pantry

We’ve robbed Peter AND Paul, and now the cupboards are empty. It's a good thing we know how to fill the shelves.

As we kick off 2022, Christensen’s is happy to celebrate our 91st year of serving the Metro Detroit landscape industry. It is our pleasure to be a part of this industry with you.

Empty tree lot at Christensen's Plant Center

Over the past three years, the green industry in Michigan, and indeed the country, has been on a high. But that high has come at a price, and that price has been our supply pipeline. The media has spent the past many months talking about supply chain woes. Anyone that has bought a car recently knows. Our supply chain woes have been slow in coming, and, regrettably, will be slow to reseed as well.

Arborvitae ready to ship at Christensen's Plant Center in early spring

Growers in the nursery industry have spent the last three years trying to keep up with almost unprecedented demand. Unfortunately, our products take significant time to come to market; time that the growers have not had. Since an 8’ tall spruce takes almost 10 years to come to harvest, growers have done the only thing they could do to keep up with demand, which is to sell material early. In 2019, landscapes consumed some of the material slated for 2020 projects. In 2020, landscapes consumed all of that year's crop, and a large part of 2021’s crop, compensating for what was used for 2019 and covering the increase in sales. In 2021, the cycle repeated itself. 

Now we find ourselves in 2022, and there is nothing left to steal. Growers find themselves selling smaller and smaller plant material as landscapers accept smaller sizes to fill a planting. This does not allow for the filling of the pipeline with larger material, as it is all sold in a smaller size. 

With our product that takes between a few months to a decade to produce, the refill will be slow. 

Full tree field at Christensen's Plant Center in early spring

Christensen’s will be a landscaper’s best friend as we navigate this supply issue. We are in constant contact with growers all over the country sourcing material. Our relationships allow us access to material often before it is published on an availability. Please use this resource! Let us use our reach instead of you spending hours trying to get answers.

Freshly shipped trees at Christensen's Plant Center in early spring

Christensen’s Plant and Hardscape Centers is honored to be the resource for the landscape industry in southern Michigan. The relationship we have with you drives us every day to make sure that we are doing everything we can. And this year is no different. 

As I write this, I am watching our yard operations crew unload yet another load of trees. With the first trucks of the year arriving in mid-February, we continue our preparations for the 2022 landscape season. Plants and hardscape materials will continue to roll into our yard. I encourage you to use our 91 years of experience.

Eric Joy

Deer Camp 2021

Jerry Segraves (en:User:Jsegraves99), Copyrighted free use, via Wikimedia Commons

November 15 is the first day of firearm deer season in Michigan, and like many of you, I will be in my blind before sunup.

But deer camp isn’t about the hunting.

I came late into hunting. It just wasn’t something that interested me in my youth. I had always liked the shooting sports, but just never found the allure in hunting. Sometime in my twenties, my father and uncles convinced me to come to deer camp with them.

I had always thought of deer camp as this place that you went to. A place to basically sleep, as you spent all of your time hunting. I guess that is why I never was really attracted to it. Boy, was I wrong.

Deer camp allowed me to see my grandfather and uncles in a whole new light. I had always enjoyed being around my grandfather and uncles, but this was different. At camp it was only the adult men in the family. No kids, no moms. So, the rules all changed. Not that they suddenly became these crazed people, but they definitely let their hair down. And three of these guys are bald, so you can only imagine…

© Eric Joy

For the first few years I was the only grandchild there, the advantage of being the oldest of ten grandkids. And so, I got alone time with my grandfather. I got years of alone time with my grandfather. I chose a blind near his so I could have the walks in and out with him. I would get up early, which I HATE TO DO, so I could share breakfast with my early-rising grandfather and uncle. Looking back as I write this, I cannot help but smile at the memories that I made with my grandfather, and continue to make with my father and uncles.

© Eric Joy

My grandfather passed away from cancer in January of 2005. But he made it to deer camp in November of 2004. He couldn’t go to his blind, and just stayed around the camp and ate with us. But he was there. We still go to the same place to camp every year. We take the same campsites. We tell a lot of the same stories. And I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Out of the seven of us that go to camp every year, we average one deer every other year. So no, deer camp isn’t really about the hunting. Good luck everyone, at YOUR deer camps, and may the memories you make last a lifetime.

Deicing Chemicals

Johan Jönsson (Julle), via Wikimedia Commons

This year has been one of the worst grade B late-night horror movies ever made! It is so bad that I would rather fast-forward and just watch the commercials. Thankfully, it’s almost over, but before we get to the credits I have a spoiler alert for what could be coming - a slip, slide or fall on the patio, steps, or driveway. Trust me when I say that the horror experience will only continue at the hospital. Here is some info so you can just fast-forward through those last few painful moments and hopefully save yourself from enduring a sequel in 2022.

USCapitol from Washington, D.C., United States of America, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

USCapitol from Washington, D.C., United States of America, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

What deicing chemicals do most concrete manufacturers suggest using?

There is a lot of conflicting information about this out there, so let me distill it for you. All of this stuff can cause corrosion so choose your product based on the temperature range you are expecting and use whatever you use sparingly. Least damaging and preferred in most situations is good old rock salt, sodium chloride (NaCl) which is most effective to about 15°F. Colder than that, use calcium chloride (CaCl2) which works down to -2°. It is slightly more corrosive. Products containing magnesium should be avoided.

Are there any recommendations for using deicing products?

Follow the directions listed on the bag! In addition, practice these simple recommendations:

  • Clear the snow first before putting down product. There are no shortcuts here, sorry.
  • Use sparingly to prevent damage to your concrete surfaces and planted beds.
  • Sweep and remove any excess deicing product after the ice and snow melts.
  • After the winter season, thoroughly wash the paver surface to remove any chemicals remaining.
Famartin, via Wikimedia Commons

Famartin, via Wikimedia Commons

Can other types of deicing products be used?

It is not recommend to use any other types of deicing chemicals. This includes:

  • Magnesium chloride (MgCl2)
  • Calcium magnesium acetate (CMA)
  • Potassium chloride (KCl)
  • Potassium acetate (KA)
  • Fertilizers containing ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate.

The deicing product is not sodium chloride or calcium chloride, but the product label says it's safe for concrete. Can this product be used on concrete pavers?

It is not recommend using any products other than sodium chloride and calcium chloride. Research has found that some products are incorrectly listed as “safe” for concrete and do cause damage to concrete and concrete pavers.

Stolbovsky, via Wikimedia Commons

Stolbovsky, via Wikimedia Commons

Will sodium chloride and calcium chloride damage plant material?

Unfortunately, they can. Always use sparingly and try to prevent runoff of meltwater into landscape beds.

AGreenFutureCalgaryLandscaping, via Wikimedia Commons

AGreenFutureCalgaryLandscaping, via Wikimedia Commons

Other types of deicing chemicals have been used on ready mix concrete sidewalks without damaging the surface. Is this because concrete pavers are not as strong?

All concrete materials are susceptible to damage from deicing chemicals no matter how the concrete product is produced. It takes time for this type of damage to show. Concrete pavers are typically two to three times stronger in terms of pounds per square inch strength and have lower absorption rates than pour-in-place ready mix type concrete so are actually more resistant to damage. Proper application and cleanup of deicing products will go a long way in assuring the longevity of your concrete installations.

Call us at the Hardscape Center if you have any questions or concerns on what you should or shouldn’t use to help keep those patios, walkways and driveways looking great.


Spooky Trees

Vintage Halloween cat

I don’t do trees. Personally, I find them scary. Not just because they can fall on your house, in your pool or knock out your power. They are a force to be reckoned with! One time a tree came down on a house in my neighborhood and I was relieved when it didn’t totally crush the house.

Trees with weak limbs are definitely on the scary list. Pear. Silver maple! And of course, the tree that takes the scariest contest win every time. Weeping willow. Seriously, every scary movie has a weeping willow in it somewhere and as soon as you see it the creepy music starts playing. Oh, but wait. Google "weeping willow" and you get pics like this one from a horror novelist site. 

weeping williw

You heard the music didn’t you?

Msact at English Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Maybe the weeping willow isn’t THAT scary, but how about this horrifically misshapen weeping beech at the Mt. Auburn Cemetery in Massachusetts? Honestly it looks like it wants to grab you by your hair. Massachusetts has plenty of spooky - ever hear of the Bridgewater Triangle?

Monsieur david, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Monsieur david, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Or check out the Burmis Tree in Alberta, Canada. It died in 1970 after living probably 700 years. Amazing and weird – yep, but the story goes on, this ancient limber pine stayed standing for another 28 years until it was knocked over by a wind storm. Now for something straight out of Steven King: the locals propped it back up and – like a zombie – it still stands on it’s cliff top for all to see.

Esparta Palma, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Esparta Palma, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Examples of scary trees like these exist all over. Scary trees don’t bother you? How about haunted trees? Let’s start with The Island of Dolls in Xochimilco, Mexico, haunted by hundreds of creepy whispering dolls hanging from the trees. Or the Hoia-Baciu Woods in Romania. Did I say Romania? I meant TRANSYLVANIA. This forest has a haunted circle where no trees will grow. And then there is the Freetown-Fall River State Forest ALSO in Massachusetts, aka the Cursed Forest, site of murders, supernatural events, and Sasquatch sightings. Something for everyone, really.

Oregon Department of Transportation, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Oregon Department of Transportation, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

None of the examples above have given you the chills? People can find faces in grilled cheese, why not in trees? And feeling creeped out and scared can be easily caused by too much Halloween partying. Let’s return to the easier facts then.

AfroBrazilian, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

AfroBrazilian, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

You just can’t make this up. Barbed wire? No… thorns on a tree!!! Scientific fact – this is your old friend the Honeylocust sporting these daggerlike thorns. Thank a nurseryman for breeding the thorns out of them for us. This photo makes me think of some evil creature in a horror movie dragging a club with thorns – I can’t remember the movie but some horror slasher from the ‘80s.

Gerd Eichmann, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Gerd Eichmann, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

But it could be worse – check out the spikes on the trunk of this charming specimen. Introducing the White Floss Silk Tree, Ceiba insignis. I am happy to report that it is NOT HARDY HERE.

(We are going to pass on cactus with their evil kitten claws, for now)

Tajinderpalsinghbhatia, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Tajinderpalsinghbhatia, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

With all that said, I love October. Keep your pumpkin mocha – give me a good scary movie and some popcorn. I do love to be scared, just in a different way.

Kim Roth

Reclaiming your passion…

Original Art © Phyber

...through "Guerrilla Art"

I have a friend who earns his living in an unusual field – he is a graffiti artist, commissioned to place his art on buildings. When we met, he oversaw pest management at the greenhouse we both worked at. Since then, his hobby has become his passion and livelihood. He has travelled the country splashing his art on the walls of Miami, Chicago, Kansas City and more. If you’ve been in Detroit or Toledo, you may have seen his work.

Artwork © PHYBR

Boys and Girls Club, Detroit, Michigan - Mural © PHYBR

I’ve always thought of landscape color plantings as a form of “Guerrilla Art”, which is a term applied to certain forms of street graffiti. There are a lot of similarities if you think about it. Graffiti and landscaping are out in public space for everyone to see and enjoy (or critique). Also, the color theory needed for public space is the same. Both need to consider sight lines for how the art will be viewed. Both need to adjust for mere moments of attention versus minutes or hours of retrospection in a museum or walking garden. If people are speeding by on a freeway, the audience needs to be able to see large blasts of color to interpret the art. Bigger and bolder is most often better. And planning for surroundings is essential to get the cohesive aesthetic the artist is trying to achieve in the outdoor arena.

Do you consider yourself an artist? Most landscapers I know would not. However, it’s hard to deny that the masterpieces they create in yards and public spaces are works of art. I would argue that the medium you use is the hardest to work with, since it is living (or must incorporate the living, if you’re creating a hardscape). Further complicating your living artwork is timing. If you work in annuals, this is less of an issue, but perennials, flowering shrubs and flowering trees all need to be installed with their bloom season in mind. Perhaps you should start listing “Artist” on your business cards… or “Guerrilla Artist” if you want to be edgy.

Artwork © PHYBR

All images © PHYBR 

When I met my friend, he was in a phase of his life where he didn’t express to others that he was an artist, but the transition has transformed his work into his passion and he can’t hide his creative prowess any longer. Obviously, we don’t all need to quit our jobs and become graffiti artists to capture or recapture our passion. We can continue to be artists in our current jobs and turn our love of landscape into artwork the public can enjoy.

Artwork © PHYBR


For some helpful color theory tips to elevate your art, check out Makenna’s article from last year.

Feeling the burn?

The sun

As someone in an outdoor profession, I spend a good portion of my monthly budget on sunscreen. My lily-white skin burns so easily that I wear SPF 30 well into the fall and winter. I’ve experimented with many different SPFs, application methods, and consistencies.

While I’ve tested many different brands and formulas, there are a few things that I typically look for.

Marine corals

Yoav95179, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Firstly, I check to see if the product contains Oxybenzone (Benzophenone-3), which may be carcinogenic, can cause skin allergies, and which has been shown to have harmful effects on marine coral. Exposure to Oxybenzene affects larval coral by making their skeleton structure develop prematurely and all wrong! Marine biodiversity is compromised and that is bad for the planet. Buying products with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide can help keep this chemical out of our waterways and oceans. In 2018, Hawaii was the first state to ban the sale of sunscreens containing Oxybenzone, and other island tourist destinations have done so as well. Research on this is ongoing.


Minghong, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Another thing I look for is water resistance. You’re out in the sun and you’re going to be sweating! If your sunscreen doesn’t have any kind of water resistance than you’re going to have to remember to put more on constantly through the day. I don’t know about you, but I have a hard enough time remembering to reapply even a couple of times when it should be done every two hours. Looking for a sunscreen that is water resistant for at least 30 minutes is very helpful. If you get caught in the sprinklers or are really sweating you’re still going to have to put on more but this may buy you some time and prevent a terrible sunburn.


Kelly Sue DeConnick from Kansas City, MO, USA, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The third thing I look for is either aloe or moisturizer. Being out in the elements all day really takes a toll on your skin. Both sun exposure and wind have been proven to be drying and abrasive. Prolonged UV exposure to skin can cause premature aging at the very least. No one really wants to look 20 years older, so using a sunscreen can help create a barrier between your skin and the elements.

Twins study

Comparing twins after a lifetime of sun exposure - St2671, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

UV protection by sunscreen

Sunscreen blocks those UV rays - Spigget, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Sunscreen can be kind of a pain to remember, but it’s definitely worth the effort. Sun damage is cumulative over your lifetime and can be worse than a simple sunburn, as painful as those can be.

Marketing Bluetooth fixtures

Alliance bt fixtures

Alliance Lighting’s Bluetooth series of fixtures continue to gain in popularity. What started with the single, yet revolutionary, BL200-BT “bullet” fixture has grown to over 20 different fixtures, which include path light stems, understep fixtures, downlights, uplights, and more in a short period of time.

Let’s talk about how to market these to your clients.

Have you proposed installing these versatile, high-quality fixtures only to be told that your client is not interested in color-changers? Maybe they can’t anticipate ever using anything but white, or don’t want to be locked into “color” only. But here’s the thing - the RGB color change ability is completely optional. These fixtures can stay entirely in the white spectrum, and even have three preset “white” color temperatures. Or you can choose just the right tone and brightness from the graphical interface in the Alliance bt app.

Here’s another selling point - setting up and running your own custom lighting scheme is dead easy. You can group fixtures into zones that all run the same program, for instance. An example might be to zone six directional spots on the front of the house, another with three wide-beam spots on various focal points on the property, and a third for four or five path lights on the walkway to the front door. Each zone can be controlled independently by the client right from the app. Any fixture in your installation can be grouped with any of the others, no need to be on the same run. Also, you can define up to three "scenes" that can be toggled on and off at will.

One more feature: All of Alliance’s BT series of fixtures are dimmable. Clients have the option of changing how bright or how soft they choose to illuminate every aspect of their property, by fixture or by group. There are no additional switches, transformers, or other equipment needed, and changes take effect instantly. The app makes setting lighting schedules easy and they run on their own thereafter.

In conclusion, Alliance's BT series can be zoned, are dimmable, and run from an easy-to-use mobile app. The color change ability is an extra, fun option to use seasonally or whenever the whim strikes, without having to invest in more equipment later. The app is available for Android and Apple devices and is free to download and use.

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Landscape lighting just keeps getting better and better. There are few properties that can't be enhanced by outdoor lighting and having a professionally designed and installed system like Alliance's can make a big difference in a client's property value.

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