Be proud of being an established business – Sticks & Stones

Be proud of being an established business

Business elder

During your regular commute, have you noticed that some companies - like skilled trade contractors, construction companies, law firms, restaurants, or fellow Green Industry contractors - have an alpha-numeric pairing on their building, sign, or the sides of their trucks? It looks something like this: “EST 19xx”.

What's your reaction to this? Does it seem like bragging or boasting, is it a marketing tool, or just something neat to put on the truck Maybe all of these? I have another one: “pride”. Pride in having survived and prospered from that long-ago day when the doors first opened on that new business.

Startups are tough

Starting a new business is difficult, VERY difficult. You’ve probably heard that most new businesses fail. Here’s a couple statistics from 50% of new businesses fail to exist after their first 5 years, regardless of what industry they are in. If that isn’t bad enough, 70% of those surviving business fail by their 10th year.

Out of business

Let’s get into some history questions. How many companies didn't survive the Great Recession of 2007-2009? How many companies are still around from the 1990’s, 80’s, or the 70’s? I’m going to go further: How about the 1950’s and 60’s when money was extra tight and convenient power equipment wasn’t as readily abundant and available? Further still: How many companies have been around since our parents were teenagers, or toddlers, or not born yet? How many companies have been around before World War II, World War I, or even at the turn of the 20th century?

Business owners

When you see that sign that says “EST 19xx”, keep in mind you're seeing a company that's succeeded in staying in business, long term, for a reason. Companies see great employees come and go. Some companies go through different ownerships and continue to thrive. History has proven that over the last 100 years, with plenty of ups and downs, many companies have found ways to adapt to changes, demands, struggles, and rewards.

Part of the family

I view the Green Industry in Michigan as a large family. We’re all in the same place, we’re after somewhat similar goals, and we all have to adapt to the challenges of weather, economy, the labor market, and changing fashions in landscaping. Older companies can share their wisdom on what to expect on projects and how to maintain the balance of quality, productivity, and profitability. New companies can teach new technologies and techniques to further enhance or improve that balance to elders that feel that they need to break away from old processes and procedures.

New guy

So be proud of that “EST” date, whether it’s 1819 or 2019. And if it’s not on your truck or building yet, now may be the time to think it over. Be proud - you've earned it.

David Reutter