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Medicinal Landscaping Plants Here at Christensen’s

Achillea Millifolium Paprika Red

People have been using plants as remedies for centuries. From curing the common cold to stopping bleeding, much of modern medicine is rooted in plants. Some cures come from your favorite flowers and shrubs in your landscape. For me, herbal medicine started simply, by using dead nettles and jewelweed poultices to treat poison ivy. When I was dealing with health issues I wasn't able to treat entirely with traditional medicines, this is where I turned. I learned that mint and ginger teas could help soothe an upset stomach, or that a salve of common mugworts would do wonders for inflammation and pain after chiropractic adjustments. Treatments for everyday ailments like a sore throat or arthritis can be as close as your backyard. It should be noted that before taking any plant consistently or for medical treatment, you should consult your doctor.

Echinacea PowWow Wildberry

Purple Coneflower
Echinacea purpurea
Parts used: roots and rhizomes

Most commonly Echinacea is taken for colds and other infections. Its polysaccharides help stimulate your white T cells which help you adapt to and fight off infections. Echinacea is filled with alkaloids and antioxidants that give it anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties. These same antioxidants and properties make it incredibly useful in skincare. It’s often taken as a tea, tincture, or as an over-the-counter supplement.

Anise Hyssop
Agastache foeniculum
Parts used: leaves

The dried leaves have great antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. A hot tea can help with congestion, acting as an expectorant, and can induce sweating to help break a fever. A cold infusion of this tea can help soothe chest pains from coughing. The plant is filled with antioxidants and polyphenols that help fight off and prevent illnesses. A poultice can be used to treat burns and other skin conditions due to its aforementioned properties.

Common Barberry Admiration

Common Barberry
Berberis vulgaris
Parts used: wood and stem bark

The bark of barberry contains tannins and a phytonutrient called berberine that gives it its medicinal benefits. Berberine can decrease intracellular calcium. This helps with arrhythmia, decreases blood pressure and is an anticoagulant, all of this makes it great for many heart conditions. Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties make it a common component in many eye washes.

Achillea New Vintage Violet

Achillea millefolium
Parts used: Herb

A poultice of its leaves can be applied to a wound to stop bleeding and help with other skin issues. Its components like apigenin and salicylic acid give it its anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties; this makes it great for some digestive, cardiovascular, and menstrual issues.

Again, always consult your doctor!  But if you’re looking for a multi-purpose landscape design, consider adding these plants for additional benefits to your customers. They may be surprised at how useful (not just beautiful) your landscaping can be!