Green Industry Resources
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Click on the names below to visit the links.
MSU portal to current weather conditions, forecasts, and Integrated Pest Management. -
The Perennial Plant Association
A professional trade association dedicated to improving the perennial plant industry by providing education to enhance the production, promotion and utilization of perennial plants. -
MSU Extension
From Michigan State University, this site has many agricultural resources, from lawn and garden to farming. -
Michigan Department of Agriculture
In addition to finding helpful tips about food safety, pest management, weights and measures, environmental and farming issues, this Web Site also provides training, licensing, analytical and other agribusiness resources and statistics. -
MGIA – Michigan Green Industry Association
The M.G.I.A. is a non-profit professional trade association serving the Green Industry of Michigan. Site includes a Landscape Contractor Locater. -
MNLA – The Michigan Nursery & Landscape Association
The Michigan Nursery & Landscape Association is a statewide trade association representing: arborists, garden centers, golf course maintenance, landscape designers, growers, wholesalers, rewholesalers, public gardens, suppliers, sod growers, snowplowers, pesticide applicators and turf management firms. -
NALP – National Association of Landscape Professionals
The National Association of Landscape Professionals is the voice of 100,000 landscape industry professionals who create and maintain healthy green spaces.
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Useful Guides
Check out our Plant References page for a link to our Perennial Plant Reference along with a variety of other helpful guides, references and articles.
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